GoPro Video joined in VLC is always longer 24Min when actual footage is less
Same exact problem with go pro video, i have video that is 12 mins long and than another that is 6 but VLC always shows 24 mins in total so I have to join and then split again. quite annoying
Since my feature request was closed b/c it is a duplicate of this request and this has not been addressed since it was opened in 2019. Is this ever going to be added as an option to hide this pane?
Why not just provide an option to hide it like most of us want via menu view setting. Doesn't seem like a far stretch to have this options. I made the feature request hopefully it will be added.
Hide left pane (group pane)
Just read that, thanks for your help. I have been using Keepass for such a long time and this has always been an issue. I was hoping for a local option within keepass to keep down on having to install additional files or download the latest version of keeresize to make sure there are no bugs and everything works in harmony but if this is the only option ill take it. Cheers and Happy New Year
Thanks, any other way to do this other than plugin?
Hi, I'm hoping someone can chime in on how to maximize the Edit Entry window. I would like to be able to view all the notes rather than scolling but there is no maximize window option. Is there some setting i can turn on possibly? Thanks