Activity for Santiago

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This forum is now read only. Please use the new forum now on: SimulIDE Forum Thanks. Updated new forum address.

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This forum is now read only. Please use the new forum now on: SimulIDE Forum Thanks.

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r503]

    Added simulide_0.3.12-SR3 Branch (hopefully)

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r502]

    trunk to simulide_0.3.12-SR3 (hopefully)

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r501]

    This getting funny... Hard Reset!

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r500]

    Branch simulide_0.3.12-SR3 (2º try)

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r499]

    trunk to simulide_0.3.12-SR3 (2º try)

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r498]

    Delete failed simulide_0.3.12-SR3 branch commit

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r497]

    Added simulide_0.3.12-SR3 branch

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r496]

    Update to simulide_0.3.12-SR3

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This forum is now read only. Please use the new forum now on: SimulIDE Forum Thanks.

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This forum is now read only. Please use the new forum now on: Thanks.

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is the new forum: Please use the new forum now on. Thanks.

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is the new forum: Please use the new forum now on. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is the new forum:

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. No, not possible.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    You can find it here (at the end of the post):

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Yes, you are right. Thanks for rerporting.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    Main problem in my side is that i have a very limited amount of time to put here. And keeping a repo with proper commits for every single change is very time consuming. I prefer using that time actually working in the program and get something usable in years instead of decades. in Any case a project like this is just not possible in 0.2.9 , there are too many problems and missing features. 0.3.12 is intended to be an LTS and it is capable of something like what you want. Indeed i built an small...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    No, this is the only repo. Since a year or so I'm only using it to upload new versions.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi Nandasena. It would be nice to simulate your exact circuit, but as i said bjt transistor are very cpu intensive, so it is difficult for simulide to simulate bjt at high frequencies. In this case you are using transitors just as switching devices, so you can use inverted buffers instead to get the same funcionality and get a much faster simulation. About simulide version: The main change from 0.2.X to 0.3.X versions is PIC simulation. In 0.3.X versions PIC simulation is much better and solved quite...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. I can't test the circuit, because you didn't send the .hex file. And you didn't mention wich simulide version are you using, but looks like you are not using last available version, so i'm not sure what can work for you . Using transistor at high frequencies can be very slow, specially bjt, mosfet are faster. But if you don't need the analogic capabilities of transistors, beter use an inverted buffer with open collector output. It is also better to use a single 7segment configured as 5 displays...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. Sorry, there is no plan nor time to create a development documentation. If you need some information please email me.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Files available here (at the end of the post):

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, i think you should try 0.3.11 Files available here (at the end of the post):

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It would be a bit tricky as you can only grab text component by the edge, so if edge is not visible then nowhere to grab it. But maybe this component needs a redesing, i will think about it. Thanks for your suggestion.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Not possible in 0.3.10, but font scaling is available in 0.3.11:

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry I have no idea how to do that.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    If you stay in 0.2.9, here is a tutorial to create subcircuits: List of changes since 0.2.9: New Features: - Simulation speed improved. - Bjt simulation improved. - Bjt: threshold property. - Pic open collector pins. - About dialog. - Circuit properties save to simu file. - Text Component: Font property. - Seven Segment: configurable led properties. - Seven Segment: vertical pins. - Resizable Resistor Dip. - Mux and Demux shape. - Led Brightness more...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Sorry this is an error in simulide. It will be fixed in next releases. Try using lowercase instructions, as file attached. Thank you very much for reporting!!

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    You are right, 555 was not working in subcircuits. This issue and some other issues in subcircuits are solved in last svn commit (trunk). There is also implemented a new much easier system to create packages and subcircuits. I think you should definetly try last svn commit (trunk). I did a simplified version of your 555 based clock and the corresponding subcircuit, very simple and working well. Think that 2 of the 3 555 are just for debouncing purposes, switches in simulide don't bounce, so these...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. This is a GUI aplication, you can't run it without GUI. What exactly do you want to do?

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r495]

    Update to last dev. vers. (12)

  • Santiago Santiago committed [r494]


  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    Nice project... Not sure wich simulide version are you using, but there are lot of improvements and fixes in all regarding subcircuits in later versions. I think you should write to my email to talk about this.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Thanks, i will have a look.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Looks like you are using 0.2.9-SR1 branch, better use trunk. This bug might be solved. Thanks for reporting.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Circuits

    Hi. Looks like there is a problem with CV pin. In yor circuit you can just leave it disconnected (delete 10 nf capacitors). Thanks for reporting!!

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. I'm already working in EEPROM persistance.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Yes there are still some nasty bugs. I guess you are using 0.3.10-SR2 Some bugs might be already solved. But it would be very useful to know what was the program doing when it crashed. if you get a case you can reproduce it would be ideal.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Thanks for reporting. I will have a look.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. Thanks. Is it possible for example to tell the program to show the result from time t=0s to t=10s and show me the graph of the output? Sorry. That's not possible.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Thats's an old version. Now you scroll by using middle button:

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andres. Thanks for sharing your script.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    You are using a beta version of Arduino IDE. Have you tried with last Arduino IDE release: ARDUINO 1.8.9 ?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. There is already 74HC4024.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    By now it is not possible, hopefully i will be done in future versions.

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. Is it possible to ad WS2812 LEDs. Thank you

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    I will add to TODO list.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Now switches are configurable. Have a look to properties.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. Thereis configurable switch but not pushbutton. I will add to the todo list.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi Renato. 0.3.11 is only available for Patrons by now It will available here next month.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    For 5V: type="v5v" For 3.3V: type="v3v"

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Diego. Pause button is planned for future versions. So you code in Pascal for AVR? It would be possible add it to the debugger, but not easy. Simulide doesn't integrate gdb by now, it is planned for future versions, but it will take some time.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Chris. I'm sorry but there is no development documentation for simulide. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have a look here:

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi Piero. Thank you very much for the solution. Anyway i just uploaded a Linux AppImage that should work in most distros. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    To start de debugger, the file opened in editor must be the asm file you want to debug, it must be compiled and uploaded to a chip in the circuit and it must be a .lst file with same name than asm file generated in the same build. You can compile from a makefile, but the debugger doesn't know wich is the source file to debug and wich kind of file it is, so it can't do nothing. That's why i suggested you that trick: You can open the main asm file, use the "fake" gpasm script to compile, then you can...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks to you for reporting. I'm thinking in a better solution for this issue.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mike. Anonymous posts are allowed but need to be approbed, that's why your first post doesn't show. At the moment there is no way to debug makefile based projects in simulide. But just simulating the circuit you can use RamTable to watch registers. But there is a trick that might work to debug your project (not tested): For this trick to work original gpasm must be in path. Create an script to compile. Save it in some folder out of path with name "gpasm". Choose this folder as compilder path....

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi, I don't know how chocolatey works, but the Qt platform plugin "windows" is there, in: SimulIDE_xxx/bin/plugins/platforms But there are some considerations running simulide, for example in order to find those plugins, you must run the executable from the bin folder. What do you mean by assigning the .simu file? Edited: if you mean opening simulide from a .simu file, it is not possible by now, but i will add that capability.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    I don't understand exactly what you want to do. is about editing the .simu file? In any case could you explain a bit more or do a simple example?

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi, I don't know how chocolatey works, but the Qt platform plugin "windows" is there, in: SimulIDE_xxx/bin/plugins/platforms But there are some considerations running simulide, for example in order to find those plugins, you must run the executable from the bin folder. What do you mean by assigning the .simu file?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi, I don't know how chocolatey works, but the Qt platform plugin "windows" is there, in: SimulIDE_xxx/bin/plugins/platforms What do you mean by assigning the .simu file?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    HC-SR04 is alredy done, it will be in next public version. By now i'm releasing first in patreon, some time later it's public released. I'm doing some special public releases like 0.3.10-SR2 to solve some bugs.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Solved in SimulIDE_0.3.10-SR2

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Solved in SimulIDE_0.3.10-SR2

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Solved in SimulIDE_0.3.10-SR2

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, there is still a problem, this only works in development version. Don't worry, i will upload a new version with this and some other issue fixed. I think it will be ready tomorrow or nex day. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ohh yes, you are right. I'm sorry, i forgot this component needs to know power voltage. This issue will be solved in next release. As a workaraund i created a subcircuit that can work (attached to this post). To use it put the files in data folder attached into simulide data folder: SimulIDE_0.X.XX/share/simulide/data Next time you open simulide you will see a new lm555 just under "logic" category. This new LM555 subcircuit will not be in next versions, so Circuits created with this new component...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    It's working for me... to be sure it is the device not working in simulide: did you try a simple blink led? Wich operating system are you using? If Linux: can you run in a terminal and copy/paste here the output? Attached a blink led in PB4 for atmega8 at 16 MHz that works for me, can you try it?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. You don't need to connect the power pins. Just in case you don't know this page, here you can find some tutorials: Regards,

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Yes, you are right. There is an error in some files. The good thing is that it is possible to solve without recompiling it. Use files attached to this post this way: - Replace this file with "avrs.xml" attached to this post: SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avrs.xml Add "" to SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avr folder: SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avr/

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Yes, you are right. There is an error in some files. The good thing is that it is possible to solve without recompiling it. Use files attached to this post this way: - Replace this files with "avrs.xml" attached to this post: SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avrs.xml Add "" to SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avr folder: SimulIDE_0.x.x/share/simulide/data/avr/

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Paul. It would be great a macOS version. I will msg you to talk about it. Thank you for sharing. Edited: didn't realize that i can't contact you. please email me.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Paul. It would be great a macOS version. I will msg you to talk about it. Thank you for sharing.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Thanks fro reporting. Base volage is about precission, set non linear precission in circuit properties to 6 and you will get more accurate voltages. I think i will set to 6 by default... I will have a look to collector voltage issue.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Thanks for reporting. I will have a look.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Nice to know you got it working. And thanks for the explanations, it will be very useful for other people. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    You can put the value in potentiometer properties (the last property: "Value Ohm"). And manually there is a trick to controll it with accuracy: Click on the pot wheel and hold it, then move mouse pointer outside of the pot as far as you want, the moving mouse pointer in a circle around the pot. The further you go from pot the more accurate you can change the value.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The analog serial example is for Linux or Windows, the diference is how you create virtual serial port pairs in each system. The idea in this example is create a pair of virtual serial ports that will act like the cable you use to conect an Arduino to your PC: You connect Arduino (in simulide) to one end of this"cable" and anything you want to other end. In Windows you can create virtual serial port pairs using com0com: But there are other options.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Think this is nothing about simulide, this is about using variable types in C/C++; In the first case you are using integer numbers calculations then store into a long, integers overflow, so you get negative numbers. Cast to long and it will work as espected.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Do you mean conecting Arduino by serial port? if so, please have a look here (Serial comunications); In this video interfacing Arduino with Processing:

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What exactly do you want to do?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hola. Estaría bien saber en que distribución está basada Max 9.5 y que versión de simulide usa. En cualquier caso para sistemas 64 bits puedes probar la última appimage publicada: Gracias por informar.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    "Simulide se cuelga en la distribución Max 9.5 Comunidad de Madrid cuando modificas el .ino que te importas desde Arduino."

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Have a look to: ItemLibrary::loadItems()

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I think it should be due: "In adition you must add the component in itemlibrary.cpp and icon in aplication.qrc"

  • Santiago Santiago modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is no tutorial about this topic. Attached the files for HC-SR04, it is simple and everything is just in one file (wich is not ussual). In adition you must add the component in itemlibrary.cpp and icon in aplication.qrc From there you can create other similar components. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is no tutorial about this topic. Attached the files for HC-SR04, it is simple and everything is just in one file (wich is not ussual). In adition you must add the component in itemlibrary.cpp and icon in aplication.qrc

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. HC-SR04 will be available in next Release Candidate. If you are compiling from sources it will be in svn in about 2 weeks. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Ok, now i understand. Thank you very much.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, i think there are better FOSS options, libraries and info about AVR than about PIC. About loading the C/C++ code instead of the hex file: Compiler commands and options can be very diferent from one project to another, and sometimes you need several build steps. There is not a simple way to address this complexity. One option would be a widget to enter this data, but it would be very limited and writing that in a makefile is almost the same work for the user and covers any possible build case....

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Spelling errors? Please, can you provide more info aboout this issue?

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Some PICs are supported in Gpsim but noy yet in simulide. SDCC has limited support for mediun range PICs, you can do many things, but main problem is lack of libraries, better for 18F series. It's a long time i don't play with PICs, but i remember about JALv2... just another option with some libraries. Maybe some other user has better knowledge about this. Regards.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's always good to know about any idea, most of them are very good and easy to implement, some ohters maybe are not worth the added complexity, at least by now. I just want to explain why i'm so obsessed with simplicity. I'm thinking about automatic updates, let me have a look. Yes hex file in Arduino build is an issue. i will address it, maybe just copy hex file to circuit folder and keep it there.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There are many features that make an easier user experience, but in most cases these features add a lot of complexity to the code but little real advantages. Sometimes too much complexity makes a project fall by it's own weight. As you mention Ktechlab... i did a fork of Ktechlab 10 years ago (ktechlab-gcb). Soon i realized that it was really dificult to work in that code.. it was too big and too complex. That was the reason i started to develop simulide. And the first goal was: "As simple and small...

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Anyway connecting any kind of oscillator to the MCU in simulide has no effect at all. MCU speed is determined only by MHz property. Importing/exporting netlist is something i want to do, but i don't see it implemented in the short term.

  • Santiago Santiago posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Relay in simulide is actually an ESR, you can set resistance value, in adition you can set the trigger current. The valve you are simulating must have a minimum current value to trigger, there is no mention about this in that video tutorial. An electro-valve is very similar to a relay. Yes, it is barely visible, i want to address this somehow. You are right, it's not so ovbious, but using true/false values has some advantages. I think you mean plotters graphs: yes, this is in the TODO list. Yes,...

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