Activity for Andres Ovalle

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3641] on Code

    Increased size of base voltage array from default 200 to 300. Used in GICharm as a wide range of bases may exist in those models.

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3640] on Code

    Updated "Show" fault study report to better arrange output. Using this in DPAT for DSS. Pending to migrate DPAT to use of "Export" report instead.

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3560]

    Minor update and bugfix to 'ALL-Node Fault Currents' part of ShowFaultStudy procedure. Bus name was not being printed in the report as it was left out of a conditional compilation statement. Also removed commas to match the other two parts of the report ('ONE-Node to ground Faults' and 'Adjacent Node-Node Faults').

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3559]

    Adding global variable called "AutoDisplayShowReport" and associated code. Setting it to True by default to avoid changing any existing behavior. The purpose is to disable it when needed to avoid firing the text editor on Show commands. The behavior is similar to that of ShowExport.

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3538]

    Updates to long-line correction. Added Circuit parameter LongLineCorrection (False by default) to apply long-line correction where feasible (lines with symmetrical components model). Long-line correction also applied to zero sequence is 3-ph line. Setting this parameter changes YprimInvalid (for enabled line objects with symmetrical components) to True.

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3496]

    Training materials - Basics and scripting

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3477]

    Solved issue introduced with long-line correction changes of rev 3464. Single-phase lines without symmetrical component definition were being affected by change.

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle committed [r3464]

    Fixed long-line correction bug in Line.pas. It used to be applied only to base frequency and parameters were scaled for frequency changes in harmonics mode. This commit updates DoLongLine to be used in CalcYPrim instead of RecalcElementData. It also corrects the positive sequence attributes temporarily for every tested frequency rather than updating the initial values for X1, R1 or C1. Updates were tested on IEEE 14-bus model resulting in matching results to those reported by the harmonics ta...

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Hy, The new version of GICharm has been relesed. You'll be able to get it from the same link you used to get the previous version or by looking for it throught EPRI's website ( Thanks, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Hy, Just checked your raw file with the most recent version of the converter. The converted files are atached. Here is a screenshot of the converter GUI with your file. This set of files can be used with OpenDSS. Just a reminder, for the converted files to be usable in GICharm you need to load the gic file. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Hy, Just checked your raw file with the most recent version of the converter. The converted files are atached. Here is a screenshot of the converter GUI with your file. This set of files can be used with OpenDSS. Just a reminder, for the converted files to be usable in GICharm you need to load the gic file. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Hy, The upcomming pre-release version should work properly with the listed elements. Again, I'll let you know once it's avaialble. In the meantime, if you want I can take a look at your RAW file and test it with the current version of the converter. Please let me know what works best for you, Best regards, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Hy, I do not have a exact date to give you but I know it will be sometime within the next 30 days. I will reply to your message again to let you know once it's avaiable. Out of curiosity, what element groups (generators, buses, branches, transformers.. ) does your raw file have? Are you using a PSS/E gic file as well? Best regards, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hy, You're working with a pre-release version of GICharm. That version will be updated soon. The new version has an improved converter that I think will solve the issue you’re experiencing now. I’ll reply again once the new release becomes available for download. The issue you're experiencing is related to the PSS/E RAW file version you're using (Is it version 34?). Does your RAW fiel include headers for each gropup of elements? (Some lines starting with "!@" ) Thanks, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi, You were almost there. Check this out. A few things to notice: Set your solution frequency to 50Hz Define your set of voltage bases Do a calcvoltagebases command (Calculates voltagebase for buses based on voltage bases defined with Set voltagebases=... command) I also defined the bus1=sourcebus explicitly Best regards, Andres Clear New circuit.LV basekv=33 pu=1.0 Isc3=20000 bus1=sourcebus frequency=50 angle=0 set frequency = 50 new transformer.SS phases=3 windings=2 buses=(sourcebus, N1) conns=(wye,...

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi, You were almost there. Check this out. A few things to notice: Set your solution frequency to 50Hz Define your set of voltage bases Do a calcvoltagebases command (Calculates voltagebase for buses based on voltage bases defined with Set voltagebases=... command) I also defined the bus1=sourcebus explicitly Best regards, Andres Clear New circuit.LV basekv=33 pu=1.0 Isc3=20000 bus1=sourcebus frequency=50 angle=0 set frequency = 50 new transformer.SS phases=3 windings=2 buses=(sourcebus, N1) conns=(wye,...

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi Kushal, Please take a look at this discussion: Best regards, Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again Alan, I would suggest you to check the spectra (magnitudes and angles) for all the circuit elements you are using (that may have a spectrum object attached: loads, generators, Isources, Vsources). I would also suggest you to verify parameters kW and kvar for your new loads. Andres

  • Andres Ovalle Andres Ovalle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Alan, When you say "However, when evaluating the second scenario, I noticed that the 5th, 7th and 15th order harmonic currents decrease" are you making reference to the currents of each non-linear load you're adding? Try using "Set neglectloadY=Yes". This command neglects the Load shunt admittance branch of the non-linear load in harmonics mode. You can find more information in the help window of opendss (options>neglectloadY) Best regards, Andres