User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on TBXTools

    Hello: In the patterns you should use the same tags than your tagger. If your tagger uses PPER you should use PPER in the POS patterns. Remember that you can use wildcards from regular expressions to shorten or group patters. Best regards Antoni Antoni Oliver González Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats Director del màster en Traducció i tecnologies ResearchGate / Twitter / Linkedin

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on TBXTools

    Hello: You can use any tagger BUT: POS patterns may be changed if the used tagger uses a different tagset. The format for a tagged corpus should be as described, that is, each token should be represented as word_form|lemma|tag and each of these tokens should be separated by spaces. Remember that we have moved our repository to Github: Best regards Antoni Oliver Antoni Oliver González Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats Director del màster en Traducció i tecnologies

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on TBXTools

    Hello: Sorry for the delay in my answer The Freeling API connects with Freeling to tag the text and puts the output in this special format. You can use any tagger and adapt the output to have the same format. Please, note that the POS tags may differ from one tagger to another so the POS patterns should be changed accordingly. Please, also remember that the project has moved to Github, so the lattest versions will be availablre only there: Best regads Antoni

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5 on TBXTools

    Hello: Sorry for the delay in my answer. I'm currently working in the new version but I'm moving the repository to github: In the following weeks there will be new versions and the documentation. Best regards Antoni Antoni Oliver González Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats Director del màster en Traducció i tecnologies ResearchGate / Twitter / Linkedin

  • Committed [7d23cf]

    Training scripts

  • Committed [4f7da3]

    Adding MTUOC3 directory

  • Committed [0965d9]

    Remove prova1 and prova2 directories in preprocess

  • Committed [dcccce]

    Preprocess scripts

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Personal Data

2008-10-20 08:37:26


This is a list of open source software projects that Antoni Oliver is associated with:

  • Corpus DOGC Corpus del Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya Last Updated:
  • InLector   Last Updated:
  • JRC-Acquis-ca   Last Updated:
  • MTUOC Tools for training and translating with NMT and SMT systems Last Updated:
  • PosEdiOn   Last Updated:

Personal Tools