Add me to the interest list here. I like adminer and just started working with the adminer editor. The documentation is sparse on both so that would be a good first step. From there I can see other ways to expand, for instance the editor, access to display child records.
@KT Very Exciting. I've been pretty busy with a new trucking project so I only just got the time to log in. Keep up the good work. Simon has great advice for you keep all that in mind.
I apologize, I missed the meeting. I am a trucker and I am in CDT but I thought I was in the eastern time zone. So I went by my clock on my phone which updates based on the time current time zone. I will set an alarm for next month's meeting for the correct time. I am curious if anyone wants to have on the fly meetings once in a while just for the sake of it?
Thank you very much! The examples you provide make it even more clear. I basically had started to understand from others comments but your examples solidify. This is dramatically different than using a framework in so called modern languages where you do not write SQL at all and the framework takes up extra memory for no good reason so that your classes (say in php) can call the classes of the framework which then has to convert your normal php into SQL. I never understood the rational for doing...
Those screens are beautiful and now i want to learn mainframe even more. So basically I have a LOT to learn I see. In any case yes that too me is ideal. I think having a TUI interface for COBC would be wonderful. Of course some are going to tell me to use VIM or EMACS... and maybe.. (:
ya I just could not believe how bad it was. The comments all say that too.
Thank you I will get those right now.