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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Greetings. I have flashed a new image loaded onto a brand new SD card. Ran raspbx-update as instructed which updated many files . Connected first time to the freepbx interface, entered my credentials and entered the dashboard. Red sign saying "Cannot connect to Asterisk" However on the command line: 'fwconsole restart' gives: In php-asmanager.php line 489: fclose(): 92 is not a valid stream resource restart [-i|--immediate] [--] [<args>]... However Asterisk is running. If I...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Bug Reports on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Greetings, I have made a fresh installation of Raspbx on a Rpi3. The initial installtion from the Raspbx image went well, however after applying the raspbx update, I am left with this error which keeps repeating and polluting the logs. [2018-06-15 06:39:21] WARNING[1579] db.c: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database This being said, the FreePBX Dashboard was reporting no errros. I deleted the file /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3 and asterisk recreated it on the next restart,...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Tutorials and How-Tos on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    IMHO the "simple" way to do this is via "Ring Groups". Give all the phones unique extension numbers and place both extensions into a Ring Group and set the ring strategy to Ringall. This gives the same behaviour and far greater flexibility depending on the exact application.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Tutorials and How-Tos on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    IMHO the "better" way to do this is via "Ring Groups". Give all the phones unique extension numbers and place both extensions into a Ring Group and set the ring strategy to Ringall. This gives the same behaviour and far greater flexibility depending on the exact application.

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    I have the same issue as H Eng. Moved to new topic as this thread is rather old

  • Posted a comment on discussion Tutorials and How-Tos on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    I have installed raspbx upgrade 27, but asterisk is still at version 11 which disables some modules. I have done: apt-get purge asterisk11 to remove it. But apt-get install asterisk13 results in "Unable to locate package asterisk13". apt-get install asterisk (no version number) simply reinstalls asterisk11 so I am at least back where I started. How do I upgrade to asterisk13?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    I have the same issue as H Eng. I have installed raspbx upgrade 27, but asterisk is still at version 11 which disables some modules. I have done: apt-get purge asterisk11 to remove it. But apt-get install asterisk13 results in "Unable to locate package asterisk13". apt-get install asterisk (no version number) simply reinstalls asterisk11 so I am at least back where I started. How do I upgrade to asterisk13?

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    I am way over my head with this and would appreciate any help. I am running a RASPBX...

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2016-06-18 10:54:04


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