Dear all, When I'm selecting the apropiate folders cointaining my nifti files i get information from gift "The selected data folders are in the following order......(folder name... 5), (folder name 10), (folder name 16) etc". In folder with all subject first 20 of my participants form a group 1 and the next 30 form a group 2. Does it mean that gift recognize subject 1 as subject 5 (in my orignal folder), and therefore I should select my groups based on order in txt file? Thank you in advance
Therefore should I use "sort components" and then choose DMN mask" or feed DMN mask in "setupICA Defaults"?
Thank you for reply. In conclusion: to perform FC within DMN: should I perform ICA on both groups, select components with highest DMN correlations usting "remove components" feature, and compare both groups using gift output files by SPM 2-nd level analysis? All the best
Dear Experts, I would like to perform functional connectivity analysis within DMN of resting state datas from 2 groups. After preprocessing and band-pass filtering. I'm going to perform ICA and select the components having higest correlation within DMN (template from gift), and compared them between groups using two sample t-test in SPM with FDR. Please let me know if my understanding is correct, or should i use MANCONVIAN to perform FC and comparison between groups. I'll be grateful for any hel...