User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hi Loraine. There was a recent build issue encountered with the latest msys2 environment. It has been fixed in the develop branch of GridLAB-D. A release with the fix is scheduled for the end of the month.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hello Jerry, That is correct. power convention in GridLAB-D is represented from the load's perspective. Power Generation from a PV/Battery would be a negative load. Andy

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hello Lucas, The reason you don't get any subsecond data from the recorder is you don't have any object that triggers the simulation to enter deltamode. The common and easy way to do this is to provide a player object that plays a value at a subsecond timestamp to an inconsequential object's property. Unfortunately, besides the ev_charger object there are no dynamic models for any of the enduse load objects in the residential module at this time. The inclusion of such models is uncertain at this...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Just as an fyi we migrated GridLAB-D to GitHub so the latest releases are found here.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hi Steven, Can you confirm that the version of HELICS is 3.4.0 and GridLAB-D is 5.1? I ask as should not be required by the latest version of GridLAB-D. regards, Andy

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hi Barsha, The HOURLY billing mode was designed to work in concert with the market module. For documentation you can look here.,, and It's a way for the meters to calculate the monthly bill for customers participating in wholesale market transactive control schemes.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Hello all, Unfortunately the plot functionality of the recorder was never completed and does not work. It's common practice to record data to default csv and plot using external tools like Excel or Python.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support on GridLAB-D

    Please also note that for a given timestep the bill is calculated using the previous timestep's price properties.

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2009-07-01 20:49:34
United States


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