Be my guest. If you wrote it in c++/cli you could use this library in it.
I get an unhandled exception when I try to scan. I can cofirm it saves the settings correctly though.
When I try to scan anything, I get an unhandled exception: “Value does fall within the expected range.” Could it be a dll version thing? I’ve got the latest public version of iCopy installed, 1.6.3 The version you sent me in claims to be ** Exception Text ** System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at WIA.CommonDialogClass.ShowTransfer(Item Item, String FormatID, Boolean CancelError) at iCopy.Scanner.ScanNormal(ScanSettings settings) at iCopy.Scanner.Scan(ScanSettings...
I get an unhandled exception when I try to scan. I can cofirm it saves the settings corretly though.
Thanks. I would be happy to help you test this when it's ready.
ADF scans create upside down pages
Can you give steps to reproduce this? What API call did you make, what file were you processing at the time?
MP3 Length
Sorry it's taken so long to look at this. The TagHandler.Length property returns...
Parameter for Update/UpdatePacked/UdateNoV2tag to decide if Backup required (default true)
Sorry it's taken so long to look at this again. I've put this into svn now. NonNtfsReplace...
Having looked at the code, I'm not sure what you're actually trying to achieve. Are...
version bumped to 0.6.1 (pending next release a...
provide a nuget package
That sounds useful. Can you send me your code changes, maybe by attaching them here?...
ok, fixed already so I'm closing this. Thanks.
Could you check to see if the bug still exists in the latest version, 0.6? Looking...