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  • Posted a comment on ticket #277 on Firewall Builder

    This is because the the "-w" will only cause the task to give up after a defined number of seconds and risk security as the firewall may not have its complete rule set or it will still fail (but maybe less oftem) "-w [seconds] maximum wait to acquire xtables lock before give up" The newer version of IPtables nolonger sugests this as a work around. Also i would rather fix an issue than use a sticking plaster. I've found the code to replace in the file in reset_iptables.txt

  • Modified a comment on ticket #277 on Firewall Builder

    I've just had the same issue, and this fixed it. Thanks Chris How can we get this put into the current release. In the mean time can I edit any files in the the curent release. I take it there are templates ?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #277 on Firewall Builder

    I've just had the same issue, and this reolufix fixed it. Thanks Chris How can we get this put into the current release. In the mean time can I edit any files in the the curent release. I take it there are templates ?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Firewall Builder

    I can build firewall rules, however after the rules are insalled, sometimes i can not update without a reboot if i run the fw script created by fwbuilder by hand in debug mode i get verify_interfaces : reset_all : reset_iptables_v4 iptables -P OUTPUT DROP iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP read table cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names read c chain rest iptables -t filter -L -n test XChain = XChain iptables -t filter -F INPUT Another app is currently holding the xtables lock; still -9s 0us...

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2011-05-22 06:36:45


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