Activity for Andrew W

  • Andrew W Andrew W posted a comment on ticket #277

    This is because the the "-w" will only cause the task to give up after a defined number of seconds and risk security as the firewall may not have its complete rule set or it will still fail (but maybe less oftem) "-w [seconds] maximum wait to acquire xtables lock before give up" The newer version of IPtables nolonger sugests this as a work around. Also i would rather fix an issue than use a sticking plaster. I've found the code to replace in the file in reset_iptables.txt

  • Andrew W Andrew W modified a comment on ticket #277

    I've just had the same issue, and this fixed it. Thanks Chris How can we get this put into the current release. In the mean time can I edit any files in the the curent release. I take it there are templates ?

  • Andrew W Andrew W posted a comment on ticket #277

    I've just had the same issue, and this reolufix fixed it. Thanks Chris How can we get this put into the current release. In the mean time can I edit any files in the the curent release. I take it there are templates ?

  • Andrew W Andrew W posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can build firewall rules, however after the rules are insalled, sometimes i can not update without a reboot if i run the fw script created by fwbuilder by hand in debug mode i get verify_interfaces : reset_all : reset_iptables_v4 iptables -P OUTPUT DROP iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP read table cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names read c chain rest iptables -t filter -L -n test XChain = XChain iptables -t filter -F INPUT Another app is currently holding the xtables lock; still -9s 0us...