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  • Posted a comment on ticket #3705 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, here is a small selfcontaining example to reproduce the "right shift by 16" no optimization problem. The not optimized lines: 198 ; tbasic.c: 53: t >>= 16; 00006C CDr00r00 [ 4] 199 call __mullong 00006F 5B 08 [ 2] 200 addw sp, #8 000071 1F 0D [ 2] 201 ldw (0x0d, sp), x 000073 17 0B [ 2] 202 ldw (0x0b, sp), y 000075 17 01 [ 2] 203 ldw (0x01, sp), y 000077 1E 0D [ 2] 204 ldw x, (0x0d, sp) 000079 07 01 [ 1] 205 sra (0x01, sp) 00007B 06 02 [ 1] 206 rrc (0x02, sp) 00007D 56 [ 2] 207 rrcw x 00007E...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3705 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, here is the self contained code file, the list file and the make script. The not optimized lines are: 000021 C6 50 13 [ 1] 128 ld a, 0x5013 000024 A4 EF [ 1] 129 and a, #0xef 000026 C7 50 13 [ 1] 130 ld 0x5013, a

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3707 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, i think the linker memory check options exists and they should work. Of course has this bug not the highest priority.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3705 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, this is the "bset bres" issue compiled by SDCC 4.4.0 with --fverbose-asm: 133 ; ----------------------------------------- 134 ; function i2c_init 135 ; ----------------------------------------- 136 ; Register assignment is optimal. 137 ; Stack space usage: 0 bytes. 00000A 138 _i2c_init: 139 ; tbasic.c: 51: *(uint8_t *)(SCL_BASE + P_DDR) |= SCL_MASK; // Set DDR to output 140 ; genPointerGet 141 ; genOr 142 ; genPointerSet 00000A 72 16 50 11 [ 1] 143 bset 0x5011, #3 144 ; peephole 202x replaced...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3705 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, i investigated this further. The same behaviour happens on other places too. Please see the two indentical "t >>= 16" instructions in the following code. int32_t t; t = raw_temp; t *= 100; t *= 165; // t /= 65535; t >>= 16; t -= 40 * 100; thd->temperature = t; // Calculate temperature value uint16_t raw_hum = data[3]; raw_hum <<= 8; raw_hum |= data[4]; crc = htu31d_crc(raw_hum); // Serial.print("CRC: 0x"); Serial.println(crc, HEX); if (crc != data[5]) { sprintf(buffer, "H crc 0x%02X 0x%02X\r\n",...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3707 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, thank you for the hint. I added the linker options -C -I and -X to the makefile, nothing happens, the code ist still compiled and linked without warning or error. E:\Projects\Microcontroller\stm8\tbasic\basic_ucnet2\basict - ram - bug>make.exe all "Cleaning done..." sdcc -lstm8 -mstm8 --std-c99 --opt-code-size -D__stm8s103f3__ -Wl-I1024,-X0,-C8192 -DF_CPU=16000000 -I./ -I../include -c tbasic.c -o tbasic.rel sdcc -lstm8 -mstm8 --std-c99 --opt-code-size -D__stm8s103f3__ -Wl-I1024,-X0,-C8192...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #3705 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    Hello, the optimization is done as soon the call to _i2c_set_sda is removed. But i can't see any reason for this behaviour. 112 ; ----------------------------------------- 113 ; function i2c_init 114 ; ----------------------------------------- 00000A 115 _i2c_init: 116 ; tbasic.c: 51: *(uint8_t *)(SCL_BASE + P_DDR) |= SCL_MASK; // Set DDR to output 00000A 72 16 50 11 [ 1] 117 bset 0x5011, #3 118 ; tbasic.c: 52: *(uint8_t *)(SCL_BASE + P_CR1) &= ~SCL_MASK; // Set CR1 to open-drain 00000E 72 17 50...

  • Created ticket #3707 on Small Device C Compiler (SDCC)

    STM8S103F3 - RAM size not checked

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