Activity for Arturo Fatturi

  • Arturo Fatturi Arturo Fatturi posted a comment on discussion Software & Applications

    Many thanks for your help. And yes, this helps. Best wishes

  • Arturo Fatturi Arturo Fatturi modified a comment on discussion Software & Applications

    First of all, thank you for continuing the PeppermIntOS project. I will ask my question here too... The project is very nice and useful. I'm interested in installing the Devuan edition, but I would like to know if it is possible to install Texmacs on Peppermint Devuan. There is a way to install it on Debian with or without a repository. But would Devuan be compatible with a Debian package? Thank you to everyone who dedicated some attention to my question. Best wishes Arturo

  • Arturo Fatturi Arturo Fatturi posted a comment on discussion Software & Applications

    First of all, thank you for continuing the PeppermIntOS project. I will ask my question here too... The project is very nice and useful. I'm interested in installing the Devuan edition, but I would like to know if it is possible to install Texmacs on Peppermint Devuan. There is a way to install it on Debian with or without a repository. But would Devuen be compatible with a Debian package? Thank you to everyone who dedicated some attention to my question. Best wishes Arturo

  • Arturo Fatturi Arturo Fatturi posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    First of all, thank you for continuing the PeppermIntOS project. The project is very nice and useful. I'm interested in installing the Devuan edition, but I would like to know if it is possible to install Texmacs on Peppermint Devuan. There is a way to install it on Debian with or without a repository. But would Devuan be compatible with a Debian package? Thank you to everyone who dedicated some attention to my issue. Bes Wishes Arturo

  • Arturo Fatturi Arturo Fatturi posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello zephyr Is texmacs compatible with Crowz (Devuan)? In Debian is possible to add a external repository (slowphil) or from Gnu/Texmacs. Thanks for you hard work in building Crowz. I send a review of Crowz to Distrowatch. Best Wishes