Activity for Alex Roberts

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Thank you. I have looked there now and have attempted to use what I think is the right key. I wrote: defaults write -app BibDesk BDSKAdditionalFieldsToCompleteKey '{ "Notetoself"; }' It does not give an error message but it does not seem to change anything either. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you for your patience with my lack of knowledge about this.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Thank you for releasing 1.9.4! It is great to have the preview pane back. I saw in the release notes that you added a new hidden preference for enabling autocompletion of fields for all fields, but I wasn't able to find it in the documentation. Might I please ask how I can turn on that hidden preference?

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    It would be wonderful to have autocompletion in the Series back. After more reflection, I realized that it is important to me to have autocompletion even in fields like Title that might seem less useful for a very specific reason: it alerts me to when I am duplicating an entry that already exists before I waste my time populating too many fields. That is, I might start typing a new bibentry's title and then realize, because of autocompletion, that I must already have an entry with that same title....

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Sorry, I hadn't managed to find the preview issue among the tickets. Thank you for pointing that out. About the completion, I have always found it extremely useful to have completion in all the fields. I first noticed its lack in the Series field. Is there an option to turn it back on for all fields that were previously covered? (Even better would be a preferences pane -- or hidden preferences -- where one could turn it on and off for each field one by one, but I imagine that would be a feature ...

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    For the preview, I am using a custom HTML preview.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #1673

    Autocompletion and preview stopped working in latest update Version 1.9.3 (6113)

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #905

    Also, since you have marked this feature request as a duplicate, let me emphasize that the only feature I am looking for is the first part of the one mentioned in that related feature request. I think it would suffice to have a standard order of databases that BibDesk checks, e.g., it always checks LOC first before moving on to other options -- rather than having some complicated interface for choosing which version to use.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #905

    Yes, I suspected it was probably not useful -- except as an example of what I would like BibDesk to be able to do. Do other sites (like the Library of Congress) make a public API available? It would be great to see this feature become part of BibDesk in the future.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #905

    Note: I just noticed that this request has been raised before here. Unfortunately, I do not understand the answer for how to accomplish this (I'm afraid I don't even know what a "Z39.50 server" is). And in any case, I don't believe the answer given there provides a straightforward method for creating a new entry from an ISBN on the clipboard in a single command/click.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #905

    feature request: use ISBN from clipboard to create a new book entry

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #897

    Never mind, lervag solved this problem here.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #897

    Thank you, this x-bdsk URL approach works well, except that it does not seem to work when the citekey includes the character :. Is there anyway to escape that character or otherwise allow a colon in a citekey? In other words, how should I change open x-bdsk://john.skylitzes:histories:thurn1973 to make it work without changing the citekey itself in my bib file? Currently, when I run this command, this is what I get: No application knows how to open URL x-bdsk://john.skylitzes:histories:thurn1973 (Error...

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #897

    Command-line interface (CLI)

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1636

    As a quick follow-up: I have now updated to 1.8.13, which seems to fix all the bugs I had noticed.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1636

    P.S. For reproducibility: it was switching from book to article where I noticed this latest bug. Maybe it doesn't always happen; I haven't tested it further.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1636

    While I await the new update (I don't know how to download the nightly builds, so I'm still using 1.8.12), I noticed another bug: changing the publication type does NOT change the fields like it's supposed to. Those are only updated if I close then reopen the publication. Presumably this too will be fixed in the upcoming update, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1636

    Thank you for the fix (and the workaround). I look forward to the update.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1636

    I've just noticed that I can link a file using Choose File. Maybe part of the problem is that the publication window has been changed, without a spot for dropping a file. Attached is a screenshot of the publication window.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #1636

    Generate Cite Key and file-linking not working

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #874

    search multiple .bib files at once

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #1536

    cut bib item (for moving to another .bib file) no longer works