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File Date Author Commit
 docs 2010-10-02 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [bde1d1] More doc updates
 kajiki 2011-10-04 Alessandro Molina Alessandro Molina [6c7d22] Fix for with when the with statement contains a...
 .hgignore 2010-09-27 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [6dc160] Add readme, remove dist files
 .hgtags 2011-06-01 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [214df2] Version bump
 NOTES.txt 2010-11-27 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [c5a4be] Bump release
 README 2010-09-27 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [b5b551] Update README
 TODO.txt 2010-10-01 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [0ed0d3] Add more docs
 setup.cfg 2011-08-26 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [7e7511] Fix version info 2011-08-26 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [7e7511] Fix version info 2010-09-20 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland [2444cd] Add performance test suite

Read Me

# Kajiki: Really fast well-formed xml templates

Are you tired of the slow performance of Genshi? But
you still long for the assurance that your output is well-formed that you
miss from all those other templating engines? Do you wish you had Jinja's
blocks with Genshi's syntax? Then look  no further, Kajiki is for you!
Kajiki quickly compiles Genshi-like syntax to *real python bytecode*
that renders with blazing-fast speed! Don't delay! Pick up your
copy of Kajiki today!

## QuickStart

    >>> import kajiki
    >>> Template = kajiki.XMLTemplate('''<html>
    ...     <head><title>$title</title></head>
    ...     <body>
    ...         <h1>$title</h1>
    ...         <ul>
    ...             <li py:for="x in range(repetitions)">$title</li>
    ...         </ul>    
    ...     </body>
    ... </html>''')
    >>> print Template(dict(title='Kajiki is teh awesome!', repetitions=3)).render()
        <head><title>Kajiki is teh awesome!</title></head>
            <h1>Kajiki is teh awesome!</h1>
                <li>Kajiki is teh awesome!</li><li>Kajiki is teh awesome!</li><li>Kajiki is teh awesome!</li>