User Activity

  • Committed [63a988]

    Initial Git commit, version 1.6.5

  • Committed [92a406]

    Comment/date fixes

  • Committed [4a2024]

    Fix in version and update information.

  • Committed [3e5aca]

    Complete rewrite of to conform to NCBI's new data organization schemes. Added README.txt file and mapping_hasher (dependency).

  • Committed [8718c7]

    Fixes in handling of absent quality values when using -use_qual

  • Committed [78ba6e]

    Test commit, silly edit.

  • Committed [e3fdfd]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Committed [2752e2]

    Translated comment in

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Personal Data

2007-04-12 20:16:20


This is a list of open source software projects that J Alves is associated with:

  • ASGARD Metabolic reconstruction from DNA or protein sequences. Last Updated:
  • Average Command-line calculator of basic statistics. Last Updated:
  • Project Logo GenSeed-HMM Progressive assembly tool using DNA, protein or profile HMMs as seeds. Last Updated:
  • Genome Downloader Downloads genome data from NCBI based on search terms. Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Pontos Pontos calculates distance matrices from DNA sequence alignments. Last Updated:

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