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  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Potrace

    Hi Peter, thanks for clearing this up for me (and sorry for the delay in answering). After also reading the library documentation (which, by the way, is great), I think I understand better why potrace can't really do what I need. As for your suggestion, I'm going to assume that by subtracting, you mean <mask> out the black from the white background. The problem with that (for me) would be that I would get the result as one single path (even if it is discontinuous), whereas I'd really need to have...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Potrace

    Hi Peter, thanks for clearing this up for me (and the delay in answering). After also reading the library documentation (which, by the way, is great), I think I understand better why potrace can't really do what I need. As for your suggestion, I'm going to assume that by subtracting, you mean <mask> out the black from the white background. The problem with that (for me) would be that I would get the result as one single path (even if it is discontinuous), whereas I'd really need to have each component...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Potrace

    Hi, let's assume I have an image consisting of three vertical bars (like, say, the French flag) that are colored white (left), black (middle) and white (right). If I trace this as SVG, I get one black path for the middle stripe, while the background is defined implicitly (as far as I can tell). I would like to get both of those as separate "white" paths. In other words, is there a way, for a two colored input image, to get two sets of mutually exclusive (let's ignore

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Tess4J

    Yes, I used the eurotext test images. I double-checked by downloading the

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Tess4J

    Yes. I double-checked by downloading the and using the files...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Tess4J

    Yes. I double-checked by downloading the and using the files...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Tess4J

    Quan, thank you for your help. I've made progress, but there are still some weird...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Tess4J

    Hi, I'm trying to see if Tess4J is the way to go for my project. Unfortunately, I'm...

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2006-03-24 17:27:13


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