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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    As I stated in this post, back last 28th November 19 I installed Asterisk 16.6.1 & FreePBX using a pre-built image which I burned to an SD card on a Rasp Pi 4. I then left it while I concentrated on Home Automation on the Pi 4 (i.e. substantial other s/w has been added). Later I moved all the SD card to one of 3 partitions on an SSD. I have a full backup of the partitions made with rsync. Recently I decided it was time to implement the Asterisk/PBX system, so the first thing was to go...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Back last 28th November 19 I installed Asterisk 16.6.1 & FreePBX using a pre-built image which I burned to an SD card on a Rasp Pi 4. This still seems to be the current image. (BTW, I've been running Asterisk 13 & FreePBX 13 on a Pi Zero for many years). After configuring, including setting – Advanced Settings “Set Module Admin to Edge Mode” to Yes, I downloaded about 25 modules. This all went OK and I left it while I concentrated on Home Automation on the Pi 4. Today I decided it was...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Back last 28th November 19 I installed Asterisk 16.6.1 & FreePBX using a pre-built image which I burned to an SD card on a Rasp Pi 4. This still seems to be the current image. (BTW, I've been running Asterisk 13 & FreePBX 13 on a Pi Zero for many years). After configuring, including setting – Advanced Settings “Set Module Admin to Edge Mode” to Yes, I downloaded about 25 modules. This all went OK and I left it while I concentrated on Home Automation on the Pi 4. Today I decided it was...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Thanks zeler. I was intending to connect the Obi110 to my router (the Obi110 does not have a WAN port). The router has NAT, which I always thought meant no packet could come in unless a request packet went out.. This article confirms NAT is a problem for telephony. I do have multiple IP addresses that I presume could be assigned to different SIP phones by configuring the router and/or the Asterisk system. This article

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Thanks zeler and Jon. I've now ordered a OBi110 so if I get problems I might be asking for some help from your script Jon ;) Re exposing the PBX to outside with a gateway on my LAN. Wouldn't I need to port forward on my router in order to receive incoming calls? Note I have read the Fail2Ban article re increasing security. My initial plans are for landline call screening/filtering, answerphone and voice mail (i.e. no incoming SIP calls). Re SSD cards. On another Home Automation forum some users are...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Thanks Guys. When I looked on ebay there weren't any SPA3102 but I see there is one now at £55 secondhand. One concern for me is that if I expose the PBX to outside to allow inward calls then the firmware needs to be kept uptodate with threats. So the Obi110 seems better, if just for a year or so. Seems there isn't a market for devices that bridge to landlines; presumably because so many people have mobiles and all inclusive plans. In many ways having dedicated RaspPi for each application makes sense,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    Hi. First, it's great to see this community has created a RaspPi version of Asterisk :) I'm looking to get use Asterisk on a RaspPi with an OBi110-UK even though support ends at the end of 2017, but I cannot see any alternative that supports a PSTN line) (the OBi202 requires a OBiLine adapter costing another £30 and reviews are poor). I'm also developing a RaspPi loft monitoring system using NodeJS, Node-Red and Mosquitto MQTT broker. I may also install openHAB Home Automation which uses Oracle Java...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Clonezilla live on Clonezilla

    Hi, Looking to move to Linux and have a working system based on Linux Lite (Ubuntu...

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2014-04-07 13:53:05
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