texdef on MacOS 12.3 consistently throws error/warning
Thank you so much! That seems to have fixed it. I had already run Onyx to check the file system and clear caches, but that didn't solve the problem, but this definitely did. Thanks again!
After update to OS 12.3 (Montererey) Skim hangs opening any file
Ok, thanks. I thought this might be the problem, but since I haven't run Mail.app for years, I wasn't able to test easily.
Email multiple entries only attaches first linked file
This is marked as fixed, but still seems to happen for me: BibDesk Version 1.6.16 (4603), Mac OS 10.12.6
Khaled, did this actually get fixed? It seems to still be around: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/446622/2693
Sorry , false alarm. I reset the hidden preference again and it seems to be working.