User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #215 on Far Manager plug-ins

    ID3v2 frame overview Possible encodings: $00 ISO-8859-1 [ISO-8859-1]. Terminated with $00. $01 UTF-16 [UTF-16] encoded Unicode [UNICODE] with BOM. All strings in the same frame SHALL have the same byteorder. Terminated with $00 00. $02 UTF-16BE [UTF-16] encoded Unicode [UNICODE] without BOM. Terminated with $00 00. $03 UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoded Unicode [UNICODE]. Terminated with $00. I.e. ID3v2 is always either some Unicode form or pure ASCII. Without the change the library converts the strings to the...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #215 on Far Manager plug-ins

    i am not sure if this change is always good idea Why?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #215 on Far Manager plug-ins


  • Created ticket #215 on Far Manager plug-ins

    AudioPlayer: support Unicode in ID3v2 tags

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Last access and creation timestamps can carry some private information about time of user actions Indeed, but so does the modification timestamp, probably even more often, and people actually concerned with digital footprints would supposedly thoroughly inspect the final result before handing it to anyone anyway. if you compress same files to zip archive several times, you will have different results with changed access timestamps Isn't that already covered by -ssp? Anyway, I'm not suggesting to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on 7-Zip

    Hi, I noticed a change in zip archives creation, not mentioned in History.txt: Previously the "tc" parameter was switching between the NTFS timestamps (modification, creation, access, 100ns precision) and the DOS timestamp (modification only, 2s precision) and by default all NTFS timestamps were stored. In v22 quite a few things changed: - "tc" only controls the creation time - additional parameters "tm" and "ta" have been added to control modification and access times correspondingly - "tc" and...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2138 on 7-Zip

    Thank you for your response. The archive could be created at another powerful computer That definitely makes sense. However, there are some drawbacks too - not every unpacker supports LZMA2 and change of the compression method might render the archive "broken" for them and cause troubles for the user. Please see this topic for an example

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2138 on 7-Zip

    (I wonder why I can freely create a ticket here but adding a comment to it requires moderaton)

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Personal Data

2013-02-04 20:59:53


This is a list of open source software projects that Alex Alabuzhev is associated with:

  • Project Logo Far Manager Text mode file and archive manager for Windows Last Updated:

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