Activity for Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How can I get losses in each lines of the network. what command should be used. Can I get the power entering and leaving at all lines with some code? If yes what is code to get it.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    How can I get losses in each lines of the network. what command should be used. Can I get the power entering and leaving at all lines with some code? If yes what is code to get it.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you so much. I am modeling a load at bus 2 as per your sugestion. Please look at the load model below if i am writing it correctly or not. And what is the diference between Vminpu Vlowpu Vmaxpu? How should I select value of these parameters? new load.load2, bus1=2, kv=12.66, kw=100, kvar=60, model=4, CVRwatts=0.72, CVAvars=2.96, Vminpu=0.0085, Vmaxpu=1.9, Vlowpu=0,

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all! How can i model the load where power is varying according to voltage (That is power is varying as the voltage is changing). Actually I want to model it as per Pload=Pnominal(|V|)^pr and Qload=Qnominal(|V|)^qr where Pload, Qload = voItage dependent real and reactive power load. Pnominal, Qnominal= real and reactive load at nominal voItage. V= voItage magnitude pr, qr= real and reactive power load co-efficients for residential load model. I have pr= 0.72 and qr=2.96 for my case.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Za, Zb, Zc are phase impedance in pu of a unbalanced line; These are not the sequence impedance. Actually I have got this data from a reference paper X. Chen, W. Wu, and B. Zhang, “Robust capacity assessment of distributed generation in unbalanced distribution networks incorporating anm techniques,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 651–663, 2018. where the author have shared his data on drive;

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your timely guidance. Actually I just taken the branch as modeled in balanced system, while changing the Load at at each node to be unbalanced. can you please suggest how can i model the line which is having following details: The impedance of branches ij. Line FromtoTo Bus i Bus j Za(pu) Zb(pu) Zc(pu) Line1to2 1 2 0.0935 + 0.0477i 0.0933 + 0.0475i 0.0931 + 0.0474i Line2to3 2 3 0.5003 + 0.2548i 0.4989 + 0.2541i 0.4979 + 0.2536i

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you sir for your guidance. I will consider these changes in my work. Actually I am trying to get the loadability (MaxLoadLimit) of the system. For this I have to increase the load at each bus, and this load increase will change (reduce) the voltage of system nodes. To consider the single load model (Model 1) I wanted to give the Vminpu such that increasing the load on each bus system load model does not changes, that was the logic behind giving the Vminpu as minimum as possible. Put some l...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now I have anew question. I am running a script file for load flow . Defining the each and every load connected to circuit as (for example load at node 2) new load.load2_1 bus1=2.1 Phases=3 Conn=Wye model=1 kv=12.66, kw=45.3836 kvar=27.2009 Vminpu=0.95 Vmaxpu=1.5 Vlowpu=0.02 gives me the result of 209.40 kW. changing the Vminpu=0.5 or 0.8 gives the result of 238.49 kW. Now I have removed the last three phrases of load model by defining the load model as new load.load2_1 bus1=2.1 Phases=3 Conn=Wye...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Sir for your suggestion I have found the solution for this. actually it was a convergence problem so after increasing the iteration I have got the answer.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    hello OpenDSS user! I am running a script file for load flow snapshot for a circuit. and calculating the Circuit loss, Voltage Profile and line flows and checking the circuit convergence. the results for all these quantities upto a certain loading factors (by changing the loads by a multiplying factor) comes out to be true, i.e. I am getting the convergence, circuit losses, line flows and voltage profile of all busses. Now I am changing the load of all busses. Beyond a certain point of load increase...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am getting the following message while running the script. what may be the reason? and how to get out of it? Unable to perform assignment because dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. Error in filename (line 7) DSSText.command=['Compile (' P '\Akhil.dss)']; P stands for current directory path.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Eagerly waiting for the help. Thanks.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your response Davis Sir. I have a new problem Faced. I have modeled the network for balanced system which is giving me the right solution for losses and voltages as per many research paper. now I have modeled the same network for unbalanced load. the unbalanced load data have been taken from a research paper. In order to test the proposed algorithm on three-phase unbalanced distribution system, the unbalance is created in the balanced system of by redistributing the given load among three...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have a new question. In the last file I have modeled the circuit as single phase balance load i.e. all the three phases have same Load. But now I want to modify this circuit with for different load at the three nodes of the particular Bus. so that each bus must have three different loads. what changes I must include in the load defined. 1. In original network Load has defined as follows: new load.load2 bus1=2,kv=12.66,kw=100,kvar=60 model=1 Vminpu=0.085 Vmaxpu=1.9 Vlowpu=0.02 2. The new loads at...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you all for your responses. It is quite helpful for me to get out of the hinderence while coding.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have a problem running the script file through MATLAB COM interface. I have made a 33 bus system with all tie lines closed in OpenDSS attached as "Calcu_Loss.dss". 1. When I am running this file with modifying script with lines [2 28 33 34 36] opened, circuit is not solved, its ok. 2. Now I am doing the same thing i.e. opening the same lines [2 28 33 34 36] opened through MATLAB command. (Codes are attached as .m file "Calcu_Loss.m". ). This time I am getting the losses as well as voltage profile...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you Davis for your time.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Davis, This works fine. thanks again

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There are two loops formed in the circuit defined. I have to know the Number of loops/mesh in the active circuit through MATLAB COM interface. what could be the script/code written in "call_AkhilRecon.m" file to get the number of loops present in the circuit. I am attaching the simple network please someone suggest me how to get this.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have attached two files. one is Matlab file and second is a OpenDSS file containing the 6buscircuit. I want to do iterations in loop. In first iteration I want to first close all Lines and then open Line3 and open Line5. In second iteration I want to again close all Lines and open Line 4 and Line7. please any one suggest how to write code for this simple network. Thanks in advance.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have attached two files. one is Matlab file and second is a OpenDSS file containing the 6buscircuit. I want to do iterations in loop. In first iteration I want to first close all Lines and then open Line3 and open Line5. In second iteration I want to again close all Lines and open Line 4 and Line7. please any one suggest how to write code for this simple network. Thanks in advance.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you Sir, solve hint was enough to get the updated result. I have got the new result.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I want to solve the circuit by opening a existing line. When I am doing this task in original DSS file by writing the command "open object=line.Linename term=1" it executes the result properly without any error in results. and new results are ok. Now I want to do this task through MATLAB interfaced file where I am calling the original DSS file containing the circuit by invoking the command "DSSText.command='open object=line.Linename term=1' " by doing following in MATLAB environment: clc DSSobj =...

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am writing this script for 25 bus unbalanced system bus. But script is not getting solved. Please help me to get out. thanks.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    I have written this script for IEEE 25 bus unbalanced distribution system. All busses have three nodes. each node have 1 phase load connected to it. Substation Transformer is 115 KV Delta conected at primary and 2.4 KV wye connected at secondry. Base MVA is 30. Please help me to get the result.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    **Error 303 Reported From OpenDSS Intrinsic Function: ProcessCommand Exception Raised While Processing DSS Command: Show Voltage LN Nodes Error Description: I/O error 103 Probable Cause: Error in command string or circuit data. ** I am getting the above error report while trying to fetch the show or export the parameter values.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion TXS - Help

    when i executed the texstudio editor it says "could not start build and view" error generated is attached.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Help

    thank you sir very much.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I got the solution to last problem i have declared x in a string format and then assigned it to loadmult.

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, OpenDSS user I am assigning the "loadmult=x" in my code x is predefined with some numerical value. but when i assign the x to loadmult it shows an error 303. How should i define x and assign it to loadmult=x so that simulation works. I dont want to put "loadmult=1.01" directly rather i want to predefine x and assign it to loadmult in my code. Please see the attachment and help me to get out of this. I have attached the code and generated error report. Thanks

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am Having a load profile at all load busses. each load have kW and kVAr. now i set loadmult=1 and ran the simulation. Noted down the results In next step i changed the set loadmult=2 NOW MY QUESTION IS Q1) DOES SETTING LOADMULT=2, INCREASES ALL BUS LOAD BOTH KW AND KVAR TO 2 TIMES THE BASE LOAD/NORMAL LOAD? OR IT ONLY ALLOWS 2 TIMES INCREASE IN KW AT EACH LOAD? Q2) HOW CAN WE SET "Vlowpu" property DOES IT REQURES TO SET AGAINST EACH LOAD AS WE HAVE SET IT FOR Vmin? thanks

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Experts

    I want to get the maximum loadability limit. for that i have to "increase load at each bus by 10%" and analyse the result. how could i incorporate the load increment in Open DSS?

  • Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal Akhilesh Kumar Barnwal posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello All, please come forward to discuss the issues of voltage stability, and its enhancement using varrious technique utilizing DERs in distribution network.