User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1178 on Fluxbox

    Sometimes clicking around trying to switch to other windows etc doesn't get back the window/focus but alt+tab does and get things back to normal.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1178 on Fluxbox

    Somtimes clicking around trying to switch to other windows etc doesn't get back the window/focus but alt+tab does and get things back to normal.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Technical Topics on VeraCrypt

    Hi, I would like to copy a volume file container while it is mounted on Linux, so there may be read/writes inside it at the same time; i don't mind if the files currently written inside the container are chopped off, but i want the container copy to be safe, so i can mount and decrypt it later. I wanna do that because i need to keep some large containers running and they are connected over USB so it's a bit slow, but i would like to backup them while keeping them up. I will be doing some testing...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Technical Topics on VeraCrypt

    Hi, I would like to copy a volume file container while it is mounted on Linux, so there may be read/writes inside it at the same time; i don't mind if the files currently written inside the container are not readable or chopped off, but i want the container copy to be safe, so i can mount and decrypt it later. I wanna do that because i need to keep some large containers running and they are connected over USB so it's a bit slow, but i would like to backup them while keeping them up. I will be doing...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1181 on Fluxbox

    The menu bug also appear without the include tag sometimes, just adding one line in core menu file on the first entry of the first submenu and reloading the menu(without restart) makes the bug appear(and don't go away). But then just restarting Fluxbox and the bug is gone...(without changing anything in menu file)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1181 on Fluxbox

    Also some commands don't work when included in menu_extra, but work fine in the core menu file. And i have no idea why... ex: [exec] (Renoise) {urxvt -bg "#000000" -fg green -fn 9x15 -sr -st -cd "/home/akem/Renoise_3_2_0_Demo_Linux" -e "./renoise"} [exec] (Rebirth) {wine /home/akem/.wine/drive_c/rebirth2/Rebirth.exe}

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1181 on Fluxbox

    Orignal "menu" file is generated with mmaker by the way, so i just added 1 line: [include] (/home/akem/.fluxbox/menu_extra)

  • Created ticket #1181 on Fluxbox

    Menu file [include] bug

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2012-03-02 13:22:34


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