User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on MidiLayer

    Hi! Sorry for the delay. Sometimes it is not easy to manage all the stuff. So, I read carefully your suggestions, in my opinion all the suggestions are a plus to the MidiLayer. So, I assume that you are using the windows or linux version. I'm asking that because I'm thinking about abandoning the development for Mac O.S. I'm the only one maintaining the MidiLayer, so you'll still have to wait a while until I have some time to do that. We can keep in touch Best Regards, Maia Desplanques

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on MidiLayer

    Hi! Thanks for your feedback. I find your suggestions quite interesting for MidiLayer. I am currently very busy, but within 2 weeks I will respond carefully to your proposals. I don't write English very well either, sorry for any mistakes. ToMaia On Tue, 9 May 2023, 21:29 Desplanques, wrote: [tickets:#9] Improvements Status: open Milestone: 0.4.0 Created: Tue May 09, 2023 07:29 PM UTC by Desplanques Last Updated: Tue...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on MidiLayer

    Sorry, but I still don't understand the use case.

  • Modified a wiki page on MidiLayer

    MIDI data flow overview

  • Modified a wiki page on MidiLayer

    MidiLayer Wiki

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on MidiLayer

    I'm working on that. A MidiLayer with 4 virtual in ports and 4 virtual out ports is been tested (will be 8 MIDI slots available). If you can, you could compile the code from git repository. All feedback are welcome. Happy new year!

  • Modified a wiki page on MidiLayer

    MidiLayer Wiki

  • Modified a wiki page on MidiLayer

    MidiLayer Wiki

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Personal Data

2013-01-20 14:45:51


This is a list of open source software projects that Antonio Jose Maia is associated with:

  • Project Logo MidiLayer A simple and intuitive tool to improve live performances. Last Updated:

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