Activity for Arlene Jiang

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Martyn, Your code and explanations above has been incredibly helpful for building Weibull AFT models in JAGS. I'm hoping to run simulations based on this model. I've attached my model of interest below (it's a simpler case - I'm interested in whether people are treated or not - 'treat'). After hundreds of repeated runs, I've been running into "Error in node alpha - Current value is inconsistent with data". What am I missing here? Thanks! model { for (i in 1:length(t)) { is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i],...

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Martyn, Your code and explanations above has been incredibly helpful for building Weibull AFT models in JAGS. I'm hoping to run simulations based on this model. I've attached my model of interest below (it's a simpler case - I'm interested in whether people are treated or not - 'treat'). After hundreds of repeated runs, I've been running into "Error in node alpha - Current value is inconsistent with data". What am I missing here? Thanks! model { for (i in 1:length(t)) { is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i],...

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Martyn, Your code and explanations above has been incredibly helpful for building Weibull AFT models in JAGS. I'm hoping to run simulations based on this model. I've attached my model of interest below (it's a simpler case - I'm interested in whether people are treated or not - 'treat'). After hundreds of repeated runs, I've been running into "Error in node alpha - Current value is inconsistent with data". What am I missing here? Thanks! model { for (i in 1:length(t)) { is.censored[i] ~ dinterval(t[i],...

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Dr. Dien, I'm trying to avoid the .fif import issue by first converting my files to EEGLAB .set files with Python-MNE. I can now load in data for one subject! However, I think this introduces some formatting issues that don't allow single file mode to work properly. I'll email along the files and error message.

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again, Thanks so much for offering to look at this. I sent along the requested items with the subject "EP Toolkit: Read epoched .fif" to your email. Please let me know if you don't see this. Thanks, Arlene

  • Arlene Jiang Arlene Jiang posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Dr. Dien, I'm trying to read an epoched .fif file into the Toolkit, but I've run into the following error. Unrecognized function or variable 'addRefFlag'. Error in ep_readData (line 4188) if addRefFlag Error in ep>readFiles (line 13459) EPdata=ep_readData(inArg); Error in ep (line 5224) readFiles(theHandles,importFormat,dataType); Error while evaluating UIControl Callback. I've tinkered around with the settings, but keep seeing this same error. I'm happy to provide any additional info. Thanks...