Activity for Alessandra Goetz

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok so I managed to export using Real as the parameter type which works! With the length apparently revit converts the number to inch or viceversa... a topic discussed here but i have not found a solution yet?

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    now i looked at it but with count i assume you mean Ganzzahl which is an integer? I need to export a decimal number and later on use it as a double... with using count it is shortened.

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    now i looked at it but with count i assume you mean Ganzzahl which is an integer? I need to export a decimal number and later on use it as a double... with using count it is shortened.

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    oha, thanks for the quick reply i will test that and thanks for the hint... i use it always as a testing file but will adjust that... =)

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi there, I am trying to export a double project parameter from Revit to IFC (Instance). In my pset file i wrote number to translate it to IFC. However, the value does not show in IFC/ is not exported. I am using Revit 2019. WIth 2020 it does not work either. Any idea?

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi there, I am trying to export a double project parameter from Revit to IFC (Instance). In my pset file i wrote number to translate it to IFC. However, the value does not show in IFC/ is not exported. I am using Revit 2019. WIth 2020 it does not work either. Any idea?

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    sorry my mistake, I was thinking of the hundred of models i have been exporting to find a proper solution. until now i fortunately only have one model where i want to set back the pbp to revit origin and then export it, first relinking a cad file and then exporting it using project base point. I understood that the ifc will be moved accordingly in relation to the movement of the basepoint but does that mean the model moves in "real" place? The model is already far developed and now we will have to...

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Joao, thanks a lot for your quick reply. I moved the base point accordingly but exporting the model now based on survey point or shared coordinates, the models always end up in a different place than origin. Is the survey point the wrong one to look at? I need to make sure that even by readjusting the base point the location of the model still stays the same... hope that made it clearer...

  • Alessandra Goetz Alessandra Goetz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi there, in my model the base point was moved without intention and I tried to move it back now to the origin point of revit. However, even though I reset the coordinates (linking cad file and resuming the coordinates, so the model lays on the same are in the linked cad file as before), once I export via Basepoint the model is moved in ifc view. Is IFC showing the place of the model in relation to the base point but the model is still in the correct place? Has anyone experiences what difficulties...