Activity for aegir

  • aegir aegir posted a comment on discussion Help

    In order to respect GPL Terms & Conditions here is the modified file for my needs . (edited between line 1346 to 1364)

  • aegir aegir posted a comment on discussion Help

    After small research in code, it appears that IP is automatically given back only if it is fixed if (req->dhcpEntry && req->dhcpEntry->fixed) I don't want to fix it because I want to change my power supply with a spare one without touching my ini config file. Is there any other way to achieve it ?

  • aegir aegir posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I'm encountering some trouble configuring OpenDHCPServer (1.75) on windows. I got a power supply that I wish to get IP Adress From My Computer. I only give one IP . First Time IP is given correctly . I shut down my power supply and start again. Lease is still active, but server won't give the same IP, it tell that there is no free lease. [09-Feb-21 09:04:18] Open DHCP Server Version 1.75 Windows Build 1052 Starting... [09-Feb-21 09:04:18] Logging: All [09-Feb-21 09:04:18] Default Lease:...