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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on [ini4j]

    I have an .ini file that has multiple sections, each with unique values, but some with repeated names: [MAIN] uix = 100 uiy = 90 [SECTION2] uix = 120 uiy = 190 [SECTION3] uix = 200 uiy = 30 I am able to read specific sections and get values. The problem is this. When I store the updated values for Section2, the result is a file with only Section 2. All other content of the .ini file is erased, as though a new file is created. Is there a "update" function I am missing? Or is it necessary to read and...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    Aleksey This post is regarding the version 2.1.0 of QtRpt and QtReportDesigner. It is a bit lengthy but I hope it is helpful to you. I have managed to edit the source code provided online from the .zip file to compile without error on my Linux Mint 19.3 machine using Qt 5.15.0. If you are interested in how I did that I can provide the entire project at your request. My comments here are not in the way of criticism, but rather to improve the product in future releases. I would first like to address...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    Aleksey Having trouble compiling with newer version of Qt. I am running Qt 5.14.2 on Linux Mint 19.3. Here is the output from the compiler: 11:53:22: Running steps for project QtRptProject... 11:53:22: Starting: "/opt/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake" /home/ken/Downloads/QtRptProject/ -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG-=qml_debug CONFIG-=qtquickcompiler CONFIG-=separate_debug_info 11:53:22: The process "/opt/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake" exited normally. 11:53:22: Starting: "/usr/bin/make"...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    Oh. I forgot to mention that given that thie database is an SQLite database there is only one instance of the database owned by the form that launches the report. I use a proxy to access that database defined locally as mwd->sqldb. It is the only instance in this app and has created the connection "qmybooksconn" for use by all other objects. I pass that pointer to other objects that need it. All needed SQL functions exist in the mwd->sqldb object. Not sure how that will fit into your useage of the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    OK. I have removed the SQL from the report by clipping it from the XML file, removing all the elements from the dataset section from the report, and pasting it in the new code. I have been able to modify my code to run a pre-formatted report loaded by the loadReport() function, with the following code: QtRPT *rpt; strDML = "SELECT "; strDML += " Books.ID, Books.Title, "; strDML += " Authors.LastName||','||Authors.FirstName as Author,"; strDML += " MediaType.Media, Books.Notes "; strDML += "FROM Books...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    OK. I have removed the SQL from the report by clipping it from the XML file, removing all the elements from the dataset section from the report, and pasting it in the new code. I have been able to modify my code to run a pre-formatted report loaded by the loadReport() function, with the following code: QtRPT *rpt; strDML = "SELECT "; strDML += " Books.ID, Books.Title, "; strDML += " Authors.LastName||','||Authors.FirstName as Author,"; strDML += " MediaType.Media, Books.Notes "; strDML += "FROM Books...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    OK. I have removed the SQL from the report by clipping it from the XML file, removing all the elements from the dataset section from the repost, and pasting it in the new code. I have been able to modify my code to run a pre-formatted report loaded by the loadReport() function, with the following code: QtRPT *rpt; strDML = "SELECT "; strDML += " Books.ID, Books.Title, "; strDML += " Authors.LastName||','||Authors.FirstName as Author,"; strDML += " MediaType.Media, Books.Notes "; strDML += "FROM Books...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on QtRPT

    OK, given your example I constructed this code: file = dir.absolutePath(); file += "/reports/"; file += title; strDML = "SELECT "; strDML += " Books.ID, "; strDML += " Authors.LastName||','||Authors.FirstName as Author,"; strDML += " MediaType.Media, Books.Notes "; strDML += "FROM Books "; strDML += "INNER JOIN Authors ON Authors.ID = Books.AuthKey "; strDML += "INNER JOIN MediaType ON MediaType.ID = Books.MediaKey "; strDML += "WHERE Authors.ID = "; strDML += QString("%1").arg(ui->cboAuthors->currentData().toInt());...

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2007-07-26 13:21:25


This is a list of open source software projects that AD5XJ KEN is associated with:

  • Project Logo MyBooks A personal database of your books on various media Last Updated:
  • QLogger   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo QNetLogger Development suspended in favor of NetLogger 2.9.n by AC0ZG Last Updated:

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