I have a question about your RNG... in a nutshell, can you explain what algorithm you're using? Thanks.
Thanks for your reply. I'm interested putting my RNG through the Big Crush test I keep reading about. But I've not been able to find it (or a download that would run correctly). Can you suggest where I can download it? Thanks, Mark.
Hi, CANCEL THIS REQUEST... sorry, I've just found the readme inside testunif/src I'm testing a new PRNG I've designed. Can you help me interpret an mcp report please? Your info says low P values are bad. But is it possible for P values to be too high, i.e. close to 1? Thanks for your help. Here's a summary of the report: * MCP version 13 --small *** binr -c 1/280 (374491 bytes) P = 0.763 rda 1/1 (104857600 bytes) P = 0.978 z9 1/1 (104857600 bytes) P = 0.424 diff12 1/7 (14979657 bytes) P = 0.96 lownda...
Hi, I'm testing a new PRNG I've designed. Can you help me interpret an mcp report please? Your info says low P values are bad. But is it possible for P values to be too high, i.e. close to 1? Thanks for your help. Here's a summary of the report: * MCP version 13 --small *** binr -c 1/280 (374491 bytes) P = 0.763 rda 1/1 (104857600 bytes) P = 0.978 z9 1/1 (104857600 bytes) P = 0.424 diff12 1/7 (14979657 bytes) P = 0.96 lownda 1/2 (52428800 bytes) P = 0.651 nda 1/28 (3744914 bytes) P = 0.35 v256 1/1...