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  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/art/export/reports/] in DispatcherServlet with name 'dispatcher'

  • Modified a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    Doesn't seem to have any impact. Anyone else know how to change this background color? Art 3.8

  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    Doesn't seem to have any impact. Anyone else know how to change this background color?

  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    Thanks Tim! I have not had an opportunity to upgrade since 3.8 so I just have it running in a test environment, but I'm excited to go straight to 3.10 instead and add these options!

  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    Thanks Timothy, I'll take a look at that library then.

  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    What does the application base the column width on, it almost seems to be random...

  • Posted a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    I have 3 large text columns in a report and one of the columns sizes to about 40 characters wide, but the other two size to like 10 characters wide. Is there anyway that I can manually set the column widths in the result set?

  • Modified a comment on discussion ART Help on ART

    in Art.JS, you are looking for these lines: var oTable = tbl.dataTable({ orderClasses: false, pagingType: "full_numbers", lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, -1], [5, 10, 25, showAllRowsText]], pageLength: pageLength, columnDefs: [{ targets: 0, orderable: false, className: 'select-checkbox' }, There are a number of jsp pages that have this coded at the page level, and you can simply search for "showAllRowsText" text to find them. I'm on a windows server, so I use Visual Studio Code for my live page editor and...

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2018-07-13 19:48:22


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