Activity for Ana María Gutiérrez González

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi. I have detected a strange value on the backup management screen. I see that in the information about available space, HB is indicated, I suppose it is an error where the H should be a G. Thank you, it is not an invalidating error, I just wanted to contribute.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Pierre. I am trying it with the shell screen command: php ./webservices/import.php --auth_user='user' --auth_pwd='password' --class=Organization --csvfile='Organization.csv' --reconciliationkeys='id (Primary Key) php ./webservices/import.php --auth_user='user' --auth_pwd='password' --class=Organization --csvfile='Organization.csv' --reconciliationkeys='id (Primary Key) --no_localice=0 php ./webservices/import.php --auth_user='user' --auth_pwd='password' --class=Organization --csvfile='Organization.csv'...

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello. I try to load organization.csv with this data: id (Primary Key),name 2,obs_GLOBAL I reread the documentation and the only parameter that I think could be related to the problem was no_localize. I did tests with its two values ​​0 and 1. But he always says he doesn't recognize the column. I pass image of the error and image of how from the application if it loads correctly.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello. yes, I was asking about importing via CLI. And no, I have not found a solution. Your response gives me hope that such a solution exists. Please, I accept suggestions. I was thinking of doing it with some method in the extension's datamodel, but it turned out to be much more cumbersome. This time, I will say thank you before closing the consultation. ha ha ha Greetings and thank you very much.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Sorry , thank you very much

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello When I send data from itop to update a class with id (Primary Key) it works correctly if i click the advanced mode option. But if I try it through the command line and i put this same rekey, i get a warning that it is not a valid column. payload = { "auth_user": username, "auth_pwd": password, "class": clase, "charset": "UTF-8", "output": "details", "reconciliationkeys": rekeys, "csvdata": ''.join(csvdata), } "#Unknown column: 'id (Primary Key)'. Possible columns: resource name, description,...

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Good morning. We are using (unattended_install.php) with redhat 8 and php 8.1. Everything works correctly but it reports the following warning: PHP Deprecated: /var/www/html/configure/unattended_install.php L5 including/requiring /var/www/html/application/ : moved to sources/Application/WebPage/CLIPage.php, now loadable using autoloader in /var/www/html/core/ on line 1348 Has anyone encountered this problem? I would greatly appreciate any response. Thank you

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    First of all, thanks for the quick response. Since we have to wait for the end of the year, I insist on my second question: Why can't the export handle large volumes of data? Could this be parameterized? Good day

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I have detected in my itop something that can be a bug. When navigating in the application with a user who can not see obsolete data (the “Show obsolete data” option is not activated in its preferences), if the data list of the class contains less than 1000 active (no obsolete) elements the export will download the data correctly. But in case that the class contains more then 999 active elements the export will not work properly and it will download obsolete data. In my case I have a huge number...

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Vincent. First, thank you very much for the help. You see, what I'm trying to do is behave similar to what occurs when we assign a user to an organization and from then on, only he sees the data associated with that organization. But instead of filtering by organization, I want to filter by certain states.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello I'm using export-v2.php for loading data from other sources and I need to give the user running it permissions to view obsolete data. Could I modify the preference field of the appUserPreferences class? Or is there some other less invasive way to achieve this without having to do it through the portal? Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hola. I am trying to replicate this and it has no effect. I don't know if I have defined the method in a wrong place. Thank you. Ana

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you very much Pierre, I have been researching an ITOP tool, Toolkit, which compares the database schema and the one defined in the datamodel.xml and extracts a series of recommendations to eliminate fields, including sql statements for their elimination. It seems that there is some call for the execution of those sentences, but it is the core of ITOP and it is commented. In addition, it does not cover all my needs, since it only contemplates fields, not tables. Thanks for your help.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi We wish to find a way to remove o filter out objects from all displayed lists, dashlet count, global search, etc. (much like obsolescence filter) , based on a "visibility" field (visibility=yes or no) and only for certain user profiles. We already have an extension and experimenting with methods/events for extending functions. Can this be done from an events/method(s) and which are these called? thank you.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello . During the development of my ITOP extension, I created wrongly named tables(classes) and fields(attributes) by mistake, when modifying the datamodel, itop created a new field/table, and now I would like to clean up those fields/tables, but I think it is not advisable to do it directly attacking the DB. Do you know any ITOP component in which these cleaning tasks can be scheduled?

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Thank you very much Vincent. I think I could call CheckToWrite from the OnInsert , as you say it's not very clean, but it avoids the problem. Could you send me the link to the example? I can not find it.

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello We are working with an itop extension and I need a user profile that allows me to modify some fields of an object, but in no case should I be able to add objects to the class. I have resolved the issue of editable fields in the "GetAttributeFlags" event, but for this the user's profile must have write and bulk write and this allows him to add. Could you help me? Thanks. $oProfile) if (strcasecmp($oProfile , 'DEMANDA')==0) {$esGesdem = 1;} if (strcasecmp($oProfile , 'DEMANDA')!=0 and parent::GetAttributeFlags($sAttCode,...

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Using iTop Hub

    Thanks Jeffrey, but it is not clear to me if it is essential to create the methods? if it could be concatenated directly into the default value of the xml extension, could you give me an example of the syntax?

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Using iTop Hub

    I need a new field where the default value is the concatenation of two other fields of that same class. could anyone help

  • Ana María  Gutiérrez González Ana María Gutiérrez González posted a comment on discussion Using iTop Hub

    Necesito un campo nuevo donde el default value sea la concatenación de otros dos campos de esa misma clase.Alguien podría ayudar?