Activity for Abhishek Bhatnagar

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have tried a lot MIC is matched everything is fine. I am passing the part of the mdn from first boundary1 to the last boundary1 for creating signature but still I am getting the same error. All functionality are working fine but Open As2 cant process my MDN response even I can verify your signature of As2Message as well as As2MDN. Here is the error 2022-08-17 13:10:58.471 FINEST BCCryptoHelper: Signer Attributes: 1.2.840.113549.1.9.4:=#f2e8114c0e7726f6c2cd9f8ec441f5e9e2c133a16b01701bb3e991238dadf65e;...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Christopher. I bothered you a lot because I was new but you helped me every time .

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I did it...all functionality are working fine now. I just used MIMEKIT for mime handling. The main problem was in mime structure. Thanks 4 your support . If anyone has problem like this plz use mimekit for creating mime structure.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I didn't mean to say that OpenAs2 is not working. I just want to know what I am missing because I am new. I am sorry and thanks for your valuable time. I will do it on my own. Thanks once again

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have tried a lot MIC is matched everything is fine. I am passing the part of the mdn from first boundary1 to the last boundary1 for creating signature but still I am getting the same error. All functionality are working fine but Open As2 cant process my MDN response even I can verify your signature of As2Message as well as As2MDN. Here is my MDN ========BEGIN MIMEBODYPART========= Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 07:40:58 GMT Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature";...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can you tell me what could be the possible error. I t works fine when I am sending file to Open As2 but I got this error when I am sending MDN

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    No Problem...u already did a lot for me...I have learnt enough from you..... Thank You

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Plz help me a little bit. thank u

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    2022-06-20 12:37:15.086 FINEST BCCryptoHelper: Headers on MimeBodyPart passed in to signature verifier: Date == Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:07:15 GMT Content-Type == multipart/signed; protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha-1; boundary="----=Part_2_a8a08e8996ad4a86bfed05c72f89e33d" AS2-To == MyCompany_OID AS2-From == PartnerB_OID Server == Kestrel X-SourceFiles == =?UTF-8?B?RDpcZ2F0ZXdheVxORU9TQ29ubmVjdFxORU9TQ29ubmVjdC5SZWNlaXZlclxhcGlcYXMy?= Content-Length == 3305 2022-06-20 12:37:15.090 FINEST...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I just have one doubt when we send a signed MDN then we just send one part as digital signature or we have to signed all parts? I read enough about it but I didnt get it. Plz help me.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    when I am sending signed and encrypted mdn . OpenAs2 throws an error org.openas2.OpenAS2Exception: Failed to parse MDN: Missing start boundary at org.openas2.util.AS2Util.parseMDN( at org.openas2.util.AS2Util.processMDN( at org.openas2.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule.processResponse( at org.openas2.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule.sendMessage( at org.openas2.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule.handle(

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's done.. Thank You Christo. You helped me so much. Thank you once again

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar modified a comment on discussion Help

    What should be the content-type of mdn? Can you please give me some reference for writing Mimemessage. I m sorry I dont want to bother you but my all .net code is working fine for sender and receiver. This is the last one plz help me if you can. I have also doubt should i have to send response in stream format? Thank You Christopher

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I set these attributes to true in startopenas2.bat file set EXTRA_PARMS=%EXTRA_PARMS% -DlogRxdMsgMimeBodyParts=true set EXTRA_PARMS=%EXTRA_PARMS% -DlogRxdMdnMimeBodyParts=true but i m still not getting any trace of that

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    What should be the content-type of mdn? Can you please give me some reference for writing Mimemessage. I m sorry I dont want to bother you but my all .net code is working fine for sender and receiver. This is the last one plz help me if you can. Thank You Christopher

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I m still stuck in this. I almost try everything but still why my text do not appear in MDN. Headers: Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 10:35:24 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 AS2-To: MyCompany_OID AS2-From: PartnerB_OID Server: Kestrel X-SourceFiles: =?UTF-8?B?RDpcZ2F0ZXdheVxORU9TQ29ubmVjdFxORU9TQ29ubmVjdC5SZWNlaXZlclxhcGlcYXMy?= Content-Length: 4 Attributes: Text: null it shows the content length but din not show my content value. I did not get what the real problem is?

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am sending response from my .net end but on the other hand I only got header values. Is there any problem on my .net end or I am missing something in OpenAs2 . Why I did not get values for these two Attributes: Text: null

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    How can I remove this error. May be this will help me 2022-05-10 15:27:02.435 ERROR AS2Util: Returned MIC not found so cannot validate returned message.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I did not understand it completely yet. I just want to hide this information X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Content-Length: 0 Attributes: Text: null

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am sending different content while the MDN received looks like that. How can I received custom MDN Headers: Date: Mon, 09 May 2022 10:01:09 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 AS2-To: MyCompany_OID AS2-From: PartnerB_OID Server: Kestrel X-SourceFiles: =?UTF-8?B?RDpcZ2F0ZXdheVxORU9TQ29ubmVjdFxORU9TQ29ubmVjdC5SZWNlaXZlclxhcGlcYXMy?= X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Content-Length: 0 Attributes: Text: null

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    I got it. It is due to compression_type. When I comment this attribute it works fine. Can u tell what is compression_type and why we use it. I am totally new in this and I want learn more and more. Thank you

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    <partnership name="MyCompany-to-PartnerB"> <sender name="MyCompany"> <receiver name="PartnerB"> <pollerconfig enabled="true"> <attribute name="protocol" value="as2"> <attribute name="content_transfer_encoding" value="8bit"> <attribute name="compression_type" value="ZLIB"> <attribute name="subject" value="File $attributes.filename$ sent from $$ to $$"> <attribute name="as2_url" value="http://localhost:62439/api/as2"> <attribute name="as2_mdn_to" value=""> <attribute...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    <attribute name="content_transfer_encoding" value="8bit"> in OpenAs2 and System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data) in .net core API</attribute>

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    No I am not sending from OpenAs2 to OpenAs2. I am sending it from OpenAs2 to .net Core API. Its a simple text file only for testing purpose.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello , I am getting a different file with random group of character when I am sending file through OpenAS2. I checked the certificate issue but it looks like it is working fine but still I did not received original content during decryption. Can you help me in specific term. Thank You

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Thanks for your support. Its done

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Means I don't have to change config file and what about remote jar file. Do I have to install it?

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    I got this error when i m trying to communicate with it InnerException = {System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketExcep...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    I want to test OpenAs2 on a remote server. I just installed OpenAs2 on remote server but when I am trying to communicate with it I did not get any response. How can I do this?

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Its done. I did not check my directory where the MDN store. Hurray it works.. Thank u guys and love u all.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    How can I send MDN back to the sender from where it come from? For example - I send a file from other source to OpenAs2 and I want a receiving MDN on my end. How can I do this? Thanks In Advance

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks I resolve it but when i import this certificate it gives PS C:\OpenAS2Server\bin> .\import_public_cert partnerB "C:\OpenAS2Server\bin\as2_CertB.p12" 123456789 ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value. ERROR: The system was unable to find the...

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    yes everything is ok but still it shows "The system cannot find the path specified". Do I have to introduce any path variable in system environment variables?

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Help

    gen_p12_key_par.bat as2_certPB partnerb SHA256 "CN=PartnerB Testing, OU=QA, O=PartnerB, L=New York, S=New York, C=US" The system cannot find the path specified.

  • Abhishek Bhatnagar Abhishek Bhatnagar posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    2022-04-26 15:25:23.119 FINE DirectoryPollingModule: processing C:\OpenAS2Server\config..\data\outbox\PartnerB_OID\MyCompany-to-PartnerB-file.txt 2022-04-26 15:25:23.244 ERROR OpenAS2Exception: Error occurred:: Invalid key (missing closing $) Sources: {} org.openas2.params.InvalidParameterException: Invalid key (missing closing $) at org.openas2.params.ParameterParser.format( at org.openas2.params.ParameterParser.parse( at org.openas2.processor.receiver.MessageBuilderModule.buildMessageMetadata(