Hi, sure! Carrier: Fastweb IT Time-out: 60sec based on experience and not officially confirmed, I'm not able to change it and is not configured in the modem they provide. The official answer is: You have to live with it Thanks
So the problem is that the voip of my carrier is set to not hang up when I put down the phone and has a time-out of 60s. So everything is working from my side and now I'ìve a working ncid raspi. Thanks to all Alex
So I make some test and the problem is the line/modem....I'm not able to hang-up neither from the phone
No, Is still not working...may be there some incompatiblity with the line (GPIO modem)? It is strange that if I use atd to make a call from the modem I'm able to hang up with ath0
The model is USR805637 V.92 And it is listed on the page you send...but now I have to test the comand they put in notes. I didn't know this page Thanks Alessandro Il Mar 3 Dic 2019, 22:49 Todd Andrews tandrews@users.sourceforge.net ha scritto: Hi Alessandro, What is the model of your USR modem? And is it listed on this modem compatibility chart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Caller_ID? ATH0 issue https://sourceforge.net/p/ncid/discussion/275237/thread/b34574b326/?limit=25#cd4f Sent from sourceforge.net...
I wrote to the usr support...I hope to receive an answer
I wait 10sec befaore ath1 and ath0
If I use ATD<number> the modem makes a call during the ring phase if I send ATH0 command the modem hangs up with NO CARRIER message</number>