
#378 Matrix: Pixel snow in canvas after repeated scrolling

matrix (65)

Please followup on rg-devel as well as here.

In the matrix editor, there is sometimes "pixel snow"
from the edges of notes in the matrix canvas after
having done several cycles of rapidly scrolling to the
right followed by rapidly scrolling to the left, or
vice versa. The pixel snow is always a 1 or
2-pixels-wide vertical line of the same colour, height
and position as notes that were on the display before
the scrolling. If the affected notes were in a chord
then you see a set of pixel snow lines stacked
vertically above one another.

A version of this bug was originally reported on
on Wed, 10 Mar 2004 23:23:21 GMT
in Message-Id:

Richard Bown confirmed the bug
on Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:32:34 +0000
in Message-Id:

However from William's matrix bugs I can reproduce
* Pixel snow in matrix editor after rapid scrolling


  • Guillaume Laurent

    Logged In: YES

    This one is caused by the QCanvas sometimes not refreshing properly. It
    happens too when moving the playback pointer at high zoom levels. I'm
    not sure what we can do about it...

  • D. Michael McIntyre

    Logged In: YES

    I'm experiencing the same thing on my X terminal. It's a NVIDIA
    RIVA-128 with the standard xfree86 "nv" driver. I'm getting snow
    all over the place sometimes. Rosegarden and the Kicker are
    the usual victims.

    I ran that box for a good couple of months without experiencing
    this. The difference is that when I set it up as an X terminal, I
    installed the version of xfree86 I had on-hand after getting my big
    box up, which was 4.3.x. I was running 4.2.x while I was using
    the thing on a daily basis.

    Everything else being equal, I have to wonder if it doesn't have
    something to do with the new xfree doing something screwy.

    Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it.

  • William

    William - 2004-04-29

    Logged In: YES

    No, this particular pixel-snow bug doesn't depend on
    XFree86; it occurs independently of both type of graphics
    hardware and version of XFree86 X server.

    There is, however, another pixel-snow bug which is related
    to a known bug in the XFree86 drivers for nVidia graphics

  • Guillaume Laurent

    Logged In: YES

    Basically the same problem as 888431 (Trail from blue bar in
    matrix view at low zooms). Will be fixed after matrix rewrite,
    yada yada.

  • William

    William - 2004-10-23

    Logged In: YES

    This bug is totally different from 888431 (Trail from blue
    bar in matrix view at low zooms) -- this bug does not depend
    on zoom, it occurs only during rapid scrolling and it
    affects notes but not the blue playback pointer.

    I'm re-opening this bug report, leaving it at priority 5
    which in Chris' priority scheme means it won't be fixed
    until after 1.0.

  • Guillaume Laurent

    Logged In: YES

    William, I've been dealing with the QCanvas for more than 4
    years, I have implemented the matrix view, and the playback
    cursor. In short, I know what I'm talking about.

    There is no reason to leave this bug opened, given that it's on
    a part of the code we know we're going to throw away soon,
    and there's another BR which I'm leaving open only as a

  • William

    William - 2004-10-23

    Logged In: YES

    If the reason you want to close this bug report is that the
    canvas code will be changing soon, please would you explain
    why you are not also closing the many other canvas-related
    bug reports for the same reason. Secondly, given that this
    bug report describes a different problem from your bug
    report #888431, please would you explain why you think this
    bug report is a duplicate.


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