
#994 Column Recurrence on ITA language corrupts TaskCoach.ini


Having set the Recurrence date on some tasks, while the "Let the system determine the language" (then: Italian) is set, when I try to turn the column "Recurrence" visible into the windows "Tasks", the window itself freezes. Next time you try to reopen the taskfile.tsk, TC complains about every task contained the taskfile.tsk and finally it does not opens the taskfile.tsk.
A way to recover from the problem is to delete the TaskCoach.ini. Also using the backuped one (prior to the problem) leads to the same result.
The problem seems not not to happen if I set the English (UK) language.
Tested with TaskCoach Version, August 26, 2011.


  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2011-08-26

    Hi Roberto,

    This problem is caused by bugs in the Italian translation. I'm improving the translation tests so we can catch these problems before we include the translation in Task Coach.

    Cheers, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2011-08-26

    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    If you like, you can download a recent build from to test the fix.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'.

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Roberto Penzo

    Roberto Penzo - 2011-08-27

    I have tested it and the bug is no more present.
    All's ok. Thanks, Frank.

  • Roberto Penzo

    Roberto Penzo - 2011-08-27

    Thank you for taking the time to check the bug fix and reporting back to us.

    Regards, Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2011-08-28

    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?

    Thanks, Task Coach development team

  • Roberto Penzo

    Roberto Penzo - 2011-08-30

    Ok. All works right.


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