
#816 Double-Clicking in Mac Finder Not Working


Double-clicking on a *.java file in Mac Finder should open the file in DrJava. DrJava starts, but the file isn't opened.


  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2009-11-23

    The code didn't work when DrJava had to be restarted. However, now I have another problem: a race condition between DrJava.main and the ApplicationListener.handleOpenFile methods.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2009-11-23

    Fixed in SVN.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2009-11-23

    Fixed as of revision 5134.

    When the handleOpenFile event comes in too late (in my experiments most of the time), DrJava will attempt to use the remote control to open the file in the restarted DrJava application. Of course, that only works if (1) remote control is enabled and (2) there isn't already another instance of DrJava running that is a remote control server.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2009-11-23
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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