
#315 "Categories" tree does not have proper background

Linux (158)

I'm running 0.70.0 on Ubuntu Hardy.

Thing is, I use a dark background theme and configuration. Task coach recognises that for the most part or lets me change it, except:

  1. The task tree, task list, effort views and notes all have dark backgrounds. "Categories", however, has a bright white background (being the only white thing on the screen, that sucks).

This is solvable for me by looking in widgets/ and changing the init method to have:
instead of

Setting it to wx.NullColour gives you the window background colour, which for other views is the colour of the column headers, not the main list.

I can only conclude there is something weird going on with the CustomTreeCtrl from wx.lib

  1. Edit preferences->colors shows me white backgrounds for the text, even though they actually appear on dark backgrounds in the app. The reason for this is obvious:

[~/temp/TaskCoach-0.70.0/taskcoachlib]% rgrep WHITE widgets/*
widgets/ dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(wx.WHITE))

  1. The toolbar has black text on a dark background, I don't have a hack for this one.


  • Rafal Kolanski

    Rafal Kolanski - 2008-06-08

    category background variations

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2008-06-19

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    A fix was made and checked into the source code repository of Task Coach. The fix will be part of the next release. You will get another notification when that release is available with the request to install the new release and confirm that your issue has indeed been fixed.

    Because a fix has been made for this bug report, the priority of this report has been lowered to 1 and its resolution has been set to 'Fixed'.


    Task Coach development team

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2008-06-19

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    Originator: NO

    Hi Rafal,

    I've fixed your nr. 1 and 2, don't know a solution for 3 either.

    Thanks, Frank

  • Frank Niessink

    Frank Niessink - 2008-06-29

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    Originator: NO


    This bug should be fixed in the latest release of Task Coach. Can
    you please install the latest release of Task Coach and confirm
    that this bug has indeed been fixed?


    Task Coach development team

  • SourceForge Robot

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    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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