
#186 Add tag for easier i18n process



I am working on the Jmol project, the documentation is
written using DocBook XML and we would like to use
the xml2po package to help to translate (and maintain)
the documentation in other languages (german,
french, ...)

Some parts of the documentation shouldn't be translated
(for example, commands to type, command line options,
scripts examples, ...). It would be useful to be able to
specify in the source DocBook XML that those parts
shouldn't be translated, so that xml2po can ignore them
when creating/updating the .pot/.po files.
I was thinking that a simple tag like <noi18n> could be
used: it would be ignored by DocBook, but it would tell
xml2po that there is no need to translate this string.

If there's an other way of doing this kind of things, I am
really interested in knowing :)



  • Michael(tm) Smith

    Logged In: YES

    > I was thinking that a simple tag like <noi18n> could
    > be used: it would be ignored by DocBook, but it would
    > tell xml2po that there is no need to translate this
    > string.

    What you can do that won't require adding anything new
    to DocBook is to use one of the existing DocBook
    "common attributes" -

    For example:

    <userinput condition="noi18n">tail messages</userinput>

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2005-10-18

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for the tip, I will see how I can use it with xml2po.
    That would be great to have standard ways to deal with i18n
    in DocBook.

  • Michael(tm) Smith

    Logged In: YES

    Perhaps a new "i18n" common attribute could be added

    <userinput i18n="no">tail messages</userinput>

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2005-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Seems a good way to handle this kind of need

  • Robert Stayton

    Robert Stayton - 2005-11-20

    Logged In: YES

    The Committee suggested that this request could be
    handled without adding a new element. A list of
    elements that should not be translated should
    be given to the translators, for example. Otherwise
    do an XSLT transform to add such an attribute
    to the copy given to the translators. Or use
    xml:lang="" to indicate no language for an element,
    which would indicate that it is not to be translated.

  • Jirka Kosek

    Jirka Kosek - 2005-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    W3C is working on generally usable way to markup content
    that should/should not be translated. See

    This can be easily integrated into DocBook as it uses its
    own namespace.

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2005-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    That's great that something standard is being done for the
    translations !
    Too bad that it won't probably be available (specified +
    tools using it) before a long time

    Thanks for the answers :)

  • Jirka Kosek

    Jirka Kosek - 2006-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, ITS can be added into DocBook quite easily:

  • Nicolas

    Nicolas - 2006-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    Well, adding it is one thing, but what I am looking for is
    tools that really uses it: a tool that can extract the
    strings that need to be translated and then put back the
    translated strings in the xml file.

    Do you know such tool ?

  • Jirka Kosek

    Jirka Kosek - 2006-03-15
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jirka Kosek

    Jirka Kosek - 2006-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    If you are looking for tools, try asking at docbook-apps
    mailing list or at some list devoted to automated

    This tracker is used solely for DocBook schema.


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