
#29 WebStart support


I'm at a school where you're not allowed to install or run
programs on the computers. I'd like to get around this
by installing jMemorize as an applet on my webserver at
home, and accessing it over the web.


  • Riad Djemili

    Riad Djemili - 2005-11-03

    Logged In: YES

    This programm is too complex to work as an applet, but I'll
    see if I can make it available as an WebStart application.
    If you have Java installed in your school this could make it

  • Riad Djemili

    Riad Djemili - 2005-11-03
    • labels: 680510 -->
    • milestone: 506904 -->
    • summary: Make into an applet --> WebStart support
  • Elvire Scheibling

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Right, web start would be nice, as it auto updates when a new version is realeased. Moreover, web start is now installed by default together with the recent java.

  • revere

    revere - 2007-11-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm able to get it working as a webstart application. Would it be suitable to submit this as a patch? The jar file output from ant dist-bin works good. All that is needed is to create the jnlp file. The thing is that creating this file will require variables to be input such as url, names etc. Also signing is an issue so it will all be dependant on who is hosting it as a web start app. The jnlp file can then be created by someone with a bit of know how and isn't too difficult. Otherwise I can submit it and put in fields like <url> and even add some comments to give people a kick start. I'd think the jnlp file would be better on a tutorial page instead. Let me know what you think.

  • Elvire Scheibling

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hmm, I don't get it, why on a tutorial page?

    The best place would be to link the jnlp file from the top of the download page as working for Linux, MacOSX and Windows users.

    For people who have a recent java installation, it will work in one click.


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