
#2 FREQ:Daily filtered BYDAY not generating dates

Pre-release (0.9)
General (64)

I am using iCal4J and have a situation where users will
want things to happen every weekday. There are two ways
to cause this to happen, and the user may choose either
one of them, depending on which they feel is more

1. Specify weekly frequency with an interval of 1,
and use a by day rule of MO,TU,WE,TH,FR

2. Specify daily frequency with an interval of 1, and
use a by day rule of MO,TU,WE,TH,FR

According to the spec, the first will multiply the
recurrences, the second will filter them.

With the ical4j library, the first example works, the
second does not. It just returns an empty list.

It appears that the problem lies in the
getAbsWeekDays() function. It has a section for
handling weekly, monthly, and yearly frequencies, but
nothing for daily.


  • Bruce Atherton

    Bruce Atherton - 2005-05-18

    Logged In: YES

    This patch addresses the bug by adding some code to It also has a test case in to
    identify the bug. Apply the patch just to
    and things will fail. Apply the patch to and they
    will work again.

    Since I was in that code anyway, I've also added a test for
    Monthly recurrences with a BYDAY rule, just to prove it
    works. And I updated the existing test to check its exact
    return values.

  • Bruce Atherton

    Bruce Atherton - 2005-05-18

    Patch with test case demonstrating bug and a fix for it

  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2005-05-27
    • status: open --> closed-accepted
  • Ben Fortuna

    Ben Fortuna - 2005-05-27

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Bruce,

    I've finally applied this patch. I actually started to look
    at the problem, forgetting you provided this patch, but then
    came up with the same solution anyway. :)

    I've added another test in RecurTest.testGetDatesByDay(), to
    test this also. Note that a rule like this:


    will actually return less than 10 valid dates, as the day
    filtering is performed after the interval/count processing.
    I'm not sure if this is correct functionality, but I think
    it will do for now.



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