
#371 JtdsPreparedStatement setTime setTimestamp Daylight DST Bug


When one uses either of these two methods to set a
date in the database and 1) the machine running the
application is set to a time zone that observes Daylight
Saving Time (DST) and 2) the Calendar object being
used as the arguement in this call is set to a time zone
that does not observe DST and 3) the real world time is
currently in DST then 4) the time will be set incorrectly
in the database.

The problem is that these two methods use the
java.util.TimeZone.getRawOffset() method to obtain the
offset that must be applied before being sent to the
database. This is sufficient when the machine running
the application observes DST and the Calendar being
argued is observant as well. If the Calendar, however, is
set to a non observant time zone like US/Arizona and
the time in the world is in DST then the time sent to the
database will be one hour off from US/Arizona.

One possible solution would be to use the
java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(long date) method. This
method, from the javadocs,

"Returns the offset of this time zone from UTC at the
specified date. If Daylight Saving Time is in effect at the
specified date, the offset value is adjusted with the
amount of daylight saving."

"This method returns a historically correct offset value if
an underlying TimeZone implementation subclass
supports historical Daylight Saving Time schedule and
GMT offset changes."

Goodluck and thank you for developing such an
excellent library.




  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-04

    Logged In: YES

    NOTE: I refactored common code out of the three-argument
    versions of JtdsPreparedStatement.setDate(), setTime() and
    setTimestamp() into a private adjustTimeByCalendar() method.

  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-04

    Logged In: YES

    I forgot to mention: I am looking into this bug, but I WILL
    NOT commit a fix to CVS without writing tests and posting
    patches first. No guarantee that I'll get through this
    soon, though.

  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-05

    Logged In: YES

    Attaching a patch with a test class that changes the
    behavior of JtdsPreparedStatement.adjustTimeByCalendar() to
    behave as requested.

    BEHAVIOR. I don't understand the "contract" as it is
    documented for the methods in the java.sql.PreparedStatement
    interface, so I'm not sure what the correct behavior is.

    Someone else needs to read the contract for those three,
    three-argument methds from java.sql.PreparedStatement.

  • Keith Wannamaker

    Logged In: YES

    Similar things needs to be done for JtdsResultSet. I
    patched our driver to work by using getOffset(long) instead
    of getRawOffset()

  • Byron

    Byron - 2005-04-05

    Logged In: YES

    Apparently this bug also affects getTimestamp(int,
    Calendar), which presently ignores daylight savings time.
    If anyone knows of a workaround, please pass it along! Thanks.

  • Byron

    Byron - 2005-04-05

    Logged In: YES

    I'm confused by ddkilzer's last comment... thread 1258129 is
    about caching prepared statements; it doesn't regard
    conversion between a time zone that observes daylight
    savings time and one that does not observe. Help me out
    here, what am I missing?

    Anxiously awaiting a patch for this time zone bug. :-)

  • Keith Wannamaker

    Logged In: YES

    There is already a patch attached for fixing time on the way
    in, and I already said how to fix time on the way out --
    just change JtdsResultSet to use getOffset(time) rather than

  • Mike Hutchinson

    Mike Hutchinson - 2005-04-06

    Revised date/time handling

  • Mike Hutchinson

    Mike Hutchinson - 2005-04-06

    Logged In: YES


    I have attached a patch to this bug report that I believe
    fixes jTDS for both setting and getting date/time values
    with an alternative Calendar.
    There is a test case included which demonstrates the fixes.
    This patch does not involve directly adding or subtracting
    any offsets (raw or otherwise).
    The test case runs identically with jTDS, jConnect and the
    MS JDBC driver.
    NB. Please read the comments in the test case before running
    it as I am in the UK and there are special issues here
    connected with the date 1970-01-01 and day light saving. If
    running the test elsewhere you may need to change some of
    the asserts.
    David or Alin, if you have time please take a look at this
    fix and see if you agree with the approach.


  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-07

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, bhawkins1, I copied and pasted the wrong forum URL.
    Here is the correct one:

    setTimestamp(Timestamp, Calendar) Bug?

  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-07

    Mike's patch plus fixes listed above

  • David D. Kilzer

    David D. Kilzer - 2005-04-07

    Logged In: YES

    Attaching a patch with Mike's changes, plus:

    • Renamed NewTest class to TimeZoneTest .
    • Additional assertions to TimeZoneTest to make sure the
      calNY object's internal date/time was never changed.
    • Fixed Support.timeFromZone() and timeToZone() to restore
      the original time in the target Calendar object.
    • Fixed "middle" assertions in TimeZoneTest.testTimeZone()
      to be relative to the current timezone that the test is
      being run in.

    Mike, were you intending to set a default timezone in the
    TimeZoneTest.testTimeZone()? I ask because the try/finally
    block really doesn't do much around the test now.

  • Mike Hutchinson

    Mike Hutchinson - 2005-04-07

    Logged In: YES


    I must apologise for the poor test case. As you suspected, I
    had intended to change the default time zone to standardise
    the test so it would work anywhere and then restore it at
    the end. In practice this was never going to work, as the
    static cal object in the driver would have already been
    initialised to the real default zone before executing the
    test. I think what I should have done is forget about
    testing the default zone case and just rely on supplying a
    Calendar object in all tests.

    Hopefully this patch will fix the problems that people are
    reporting. It would be good to get a few confirmations
    before closing the report.


  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2005-04-07

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, the fix in in CVS. Great jog, guys! I will notify all
    users that signalled issues with timezones and DST to test
    and see if everything works fine for them.


    If you're around, please get the latest CVS code and see if
    it works for you.


    It would be great in the future when submitting patches to
    submit them as zip files containing all modified files
    rather than diffs, for two reasons: first because it's
    easier for me to review the changes while applying them and
    second (and most important) because I haven't been able to
    figure out how to apply a patch. :"> I know that's not
    characteristic of a Linux user, but that's just me.


  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2005-04-11

    Logged In: YES


    Any news? Does it work as expected?


  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2005-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    No one seems to be reporting DST related issues anymore,
    closing tracker.



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