
#12 realtime rate engine does not yeiled above 20%

Backend (5)
Sonia Khan

While rating a call, rate engine expects corresponding Asterisk CDR to exist in CDR database, which is less likely in case of real time rating using cdr_shell (parallel to cdr_mysql). Therefore, its performance reduces significantly down to just 20%.

When a call completes, Asterisk forks off a number of processes, one for each registered CDR application. Since Astpp depends on two CDR applications namely, cdr_shell and cdr_mysql, therefore, Asterisk starts both of these application after each call to process CDR.

Currently, rate engine expects that cdr_mysql has already completed its processing and a CDR exists for call currently being processed by rate engine in the Asterisk CDR database, so, it can UPDATE that CDR with billing information. Which is not always true in case of real time call rating using cdr_shell.

Ideally cdr_shell should process the call on its own without searching corresponding CDR record in Asterisk CDR database, since, it already has all params it needs to fetch from CDR database. So, it should process the call and then INSERT the processed CDR to database. But this will duplicate CDR in database, one is billed (inserted by cdr_shell) and other is unbilled (inserted by cdr_mysql).

The most suitable solution of the problem looks to me is that either we turn off cdr_mysql completely or redirect its output to some other database table. Then make appropriate changes to rate engine so that i would INSERT processed CDR to database, instead of trying to UPDATE it.

Any suggestions / comments?


  • Aleph Communications

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hmmm, I see why you're suggesting that. It would be a nice enough way to do it I suppose. Alternately we could set a trigger in the sql database.

  • Aleph Communications

    • labels: --> Backend
  • Aleph Communications

    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date

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