
#11 Can't Change the AVR-compiler settings



I can't change the AVR-compiler "drop-down" lists settings. When I try to select a different value than the default one, it automatically bounces to the original value. If for example, I try to modify the Optimization level from "No Optimization (-O0)" to "Size Optimization(-Os)", it bounces back to the former.

I saw that an earlier report was opened, named: "5 no one of project properties changing - ID: 2781365", and I wanted to add some details about the problem which I also encountered.
I enoucntered the problem in Eclipse versions 3.4.2/plugin both in GANYMEDE and GALILEO versions.
In version EUROPA, 3.3.2/plugin this problem does not occur.

Thanks for the help,


  • Thomas Holland

    Thomas Holland - 2010-02-28

    Hi Oded,

    like with the other report I can't reproduce this, so we need to do some more troubleshooting.

    Does this Problem occur with every project? I.e. if you create a new empty AVR project, does the problem occur as well?

    Which Operating System do you use? (So far the problems seem to be only on MacOSX)

    Could you please attach a copy of your Eclipse error log to this Support Request. Maybe there is something in there which could point to the source of the problem.

    BTW, I do not think that this is a AVR Plugin problem because Saving/Restoring of the compiler settings (like the optimization level) is done by CDT itself, the AVR Plugin only defines the different options (in XML format).



    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-02

    Hello Thomas,

    I'm using Windows XP. I can't attach a copy of the error log, bcz there isn't one.
    The IDE simply refuses to change the drop-down menu settings under:
    Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Optimization->Optimization Level
    And also Under:
    Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Debugging->Generate Debugging Info
    And also Under:
    Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Language Standard

    It seems it's stuck in it's default configurations and does not except any changes regarding these drop-down menus.

    Maybe you can try downloading the Galileo Eclipse project from the site as a user(not a developer) on windows XP if you have one and then download the AVR-Plugin.

    Thank you for your help,

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Oded, for the error log check (with Galileo) under 'Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Configuration -> Show Error Log'. This should not be emtpy, as every Eclipse start is logged there.

    What do you mean by "Galileo Eclipse project from the site"? If you mean the Eclipse Download page, then I have already done this, because I usually test the plugin against a plain download of the "Eclipse for C/C++ Developers" without any additional plugins.


    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-07

    Hello Thomas,

    I've downloaded the new eclipse version: and installed the AVR plugin, but the problem still occurs.
    I'm attaching here error log file and also an a test project. Maybe you can try updating the settings of drop-down menus in it and see if it fails on your computer also.
    Note, that I'm using the AT90PWM316 micro in the test project, but I don't think it is micro dependant as I tried others and it failed also.

    Thank you for your help,

    Thank you for your help,


    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-07

    Eclipse Error File


    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-07

    Test Example Project - Settings can't be changed

  • Thomas Holland

    Thomas Holland - 2010-03-09

    I checked your Project and everything works fine for me. I can change settings and compile the project without any problems.

    I also checked the error log and there are a multitude of Exceptions happening in core CDT and Eclipse functions. I looked at some of the Exceptions and they really should not happen unless some internal Eclipse data structures are mangled.

    Eclipse saves (and reloades) most of its data structures constantly to the workspace, (mostly to the '.metadata' folder), so my guess would be that there is something messed up in your workspace.

    Two things I would like you to try:
    1. Start Eclipse with the '-clean' option to rebuild these internal structures. The easiest way to do this is to start Eclipse from a command shell with '-clean' appended.
    If this doesn't help try

    1. Create a new Workspace and use it to create a new test project. To do this you need to create an empty folder somewhere, then select 'File -> Switch Workspace -> Other...' , browse to this new empty folder and click on OK.

    If this still doesn't help then you could again dump the error log (with the new workspace in use) and attach it here.



    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-09

    Hello Thomas,

    I did as you instructed me, and tried calling the eclipse program from the command line with -clean flag, which didn't help.
    Next I created a new workspace(called twork) and created an empty test project with the same results.
    I'm attaching the error log file here for you to see.
    Note, that I presently have 3 Eclipse versions on my computer(GALILEO, GANYMEDE and EUROPA). Maybe they interfer with each other?
    Or maybe, my java framework is not as yours?

    Thank you for your help,


    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-03-09

    New Workspace Error Log


    ODED GOTTDENKER - 2010-12-23

    Hello Thomas,

    I finally found the reason to my problem of "Non responsive GUI compiler options" and thought I'll share it with you incase someone else encounters the same problem.
    It turns out that eclipse uses windows language settings when it runs.
    My language settings are set to Hebrew, and for some reason, it interferes with the normal operation of eclipse and AVR plugin. When I change the language settings to english
    everything works as expected - all compiler options are selectable.
    Since I need these settings when I work on windows, I found out that I can change
    the language settings for the eclipse itself by adding a few lines in the file: eclipse.ini under
    the eclipse library.
    Open the file "eclipse.ini" in the eclipse directory and, under the line "-vmargs", add the following lines:

    Now, when you open the eclipse avr project, all the compiler options will be selectable.



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