
#135 shoot system

plant anatomy

The term shoot (PO:0009006) was renamed shoot system: An axial plant structure system that produces shoot apical meristems and the plant structures that arise from them.
Exact synonym: shoot. Narrow synonyms: crown (sensu Poaceae) and tree crown.


  • Ramona Walls

    Ramona Walls - 2010-07-12

    Since we made axis (which includes stem and branch) a plant organ, shoot system actually fits the definition of collective plant structure (A plant structure that is a proper part of a plant and is composed of two or more organs and any associated portions of plant tissue). The same is true of root system. Perhaps CPS would be a more appropriate parent for these terms. Then we might not need the term plant structure system. As it is, the definition of plant structure system, which is based on CARO anatomical system (Anatomical group that is has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity.) seems somewhat redundant with collective plant structure.

  • Pankaj Jaiswal

    Pankaj Jaiswal - 2010-07-12

    works for me

  • Dennis Stevenson

    While I agree with Ramona's recent comment on Shoot System, I disagree with that concerning root system. There is only one organ involved in a root system.

  • Ramona Walls

    Ramona Walls - 2010-07-15

    At the POC meeting on 7-14-10, we agreed to make shoot system a child of collective plant structure.

  • Ramona Walls

    Ramona Walls - 2010-07-22

    These changes have been accepted, and I am closing this item.

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2012-12-20

    Renamed 'epicomoc shoot' to 'epicormic shoot system': PO:0004546 ( it was misspelled 'epicomic')

    Revised def'n: A shoot-borne shoot system (PO:0004546) developing from a stem (PO:0009047).

    Added exact synonym: stem sucker

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-02-20

    Based on the discussions at the POC conf call: 2-19-13

    revised def'n: shoot system (PO:0009006): A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces shoot-borne portions of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) and the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them.

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-02-20

    Propose revising the comment to include the points made in the comments from original shoot term:

    Revised comment: The shoot system is generally used to refer to the above-ground plant parts, although some plants have parts of their shoot system underground. For example, a rhizome (PO:0004542), bulb (PO:0025356), or a corm (PO:0025355) or a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547), as in potato or yam .

    Need to update the OBO_SF_PO xref to this one

  • Dennis Stevenson

    That is good. Lets go with it.

  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2013-02-26

    These changes have been made so I am closing this tracker again.


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