
#168 Hidden . files not uploaded

Latest Release
UNIX (74)

When uploading a transcript with lcreate hidden files that begin with a period "." are not uploaded. This is all the .DS_Store files obviously but I had some invalid transcripts that were missing other files.

This is both client and server using 1.11.0rc3 and both client and server running Mac OS X 10.5.1.

Here is the beginning of the transcript
% sudo lcreate -Fvh sthmac -csha1 ~/Desktop/Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T
trying success!
<<< 200-RAP 1 1.11.0rc3 radmind access protocol
>>> STOR TRANSCRIPT Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T
>>> 51003
>>> .
/Users/sth/Desktop/Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T: stored
>>> STOR FILE Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T /Applications/local/Analysis/Igor\bPro\bFolder/.DS_Store
>>> 21602
>>> .
/Applications/local/Analysis/Igor Pro Folder/.DS_Store: stored
<<< 350 Storing file
<<< 250 File stored
<<< 350 Storing file
>>> STOR FILE Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T /Applications/local/Analysis/Igor\bPro\bFolder/Examples/.DS_Store
>>> 15458
>>> .

But looking at the destination, there is no .DS_Store

% ls -a Igor-6.0.2A-upd.T/Applications/local/Analysis/Igor\ Pro\ Folder/
total 24
0 ./ 0 Manual/
0 ../ 0 Miscellaneous/
0 Examples/ 0 More Extensions/
0 IFDL Procedures/ 0 More Help Files/
0 Igor Extensions/ 0 Product Demos/
0 Igor Help Files/ 24 ReadMe.ihf
0 Igor 0 Technical Notes/
0 Igor Procedures/ 0 User Procedures/
0 Learning Aids/ 0 WaveMetrics Procedures/


  • Andrew Mortensen

    • assigned_to: nobody --> fitterhappier
  • Andrew Mortensen

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Works fine for me. Client and server both using 1.11.0rc4. For this task, there's functionally no difference between rc3 and rc4, though it'd be better for you to use rc4 for testing. Do you have the problem if you downgrade the server to an older version? What about 1.10.0 client/server?

  • Scott Hannahs

    Scott Hannahs - 2007-12-13

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I am beginning to think that it is due to 10.5 running on the server because of other weirdness. I will update to RC4 and try again.

  • Scott Hannahs

    Scott Hannahs - 2007-12-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Ok, it was my fault. In the updating to 10.5 and the switch to launchd I started radmind as my own account instead of root. Also the ownership of the /var/radmind directory was messed up. I am not sure why it was working at all today. But upon restarting things today with the update nothing worked until I restarted it all from scratch (and I hope correctly).

    False alarm.

  • Andrew Mortensen

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Glad it wasn't a bug. Thanks for investigating.

  • Andrew Mortensen

    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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