
#44 LCR problem if no user-part in R-URI

ver devel
modules (357)

next_gw() always prefixes the rewritten host-part with
an '@' sign, which breaks requests not containing a
user-part (like REGISTER).

Thus for example the R-URI is
rewritten to sip:@, resulting in an error
when relaying.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    next_gw() function has been designed to handle dialog
    initiating requests bound to pstn gateways. register
    request is not such a request. i cannot imagine, how pstn
    gateway could handle an intial request, whose destination is
    not a telephone number.

  • Andreas Granig

    Andreas Granig - 2006-05-19

    Suppress '@' if no user-part in R-URI

  • Andreas Granig

    Andreas Granig - 2006-05-19

    Logged In: YES

    I don't think it's a good idea to restrict the usage of the
    module "by design". People use it for load-balancing
    requests to different kind of UAs, not only PSTN gateways,
    and this may require also the proper routing of requests
    without a user-part.

    Attached you can find a patch. It's just a minor tweak to
    fix this issue.

  • Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

    Logged In: YES

    any consent on the topic? In both situations we need to fix
    the code; as it is now, the output is a bogus RURI.

    1) if the code is not supposed to accept RURI without
    username, the module must generate er if no username found.

    2) if it should accept RURI without username, '@' is to be
    added only if username is present.

    My personal opinion is to go for fix number 2: even if this
    scenario wasn't included in the original specs of the
    module, I see no reason not to enlarge the module's
    applicability, especially when is about some small fix and
    no other thinks are broken or altered.


  • Andreas Granig

    Andreas Granig - 2006-05-26

    Logged In: YES

    The attached patch fixes the problem according to suggestion #2.

  • Juha Heinanen

    Juha Heinanen - 2006-05-26

    Logged In: YES


  • Juha Heinanen

    Juha Heinanen - 2006-05-26
    • assigned_to: nobody --> juhe
    • status: open --> closed

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