
#20 Someone keeps hijacking my up-axis!

Generic (62)

I think that it's the Maya exporter that's doing this
but I'm not sure, so I'm sorry if this is misdirected.

I think the Maya COLLDA plugin keeps resetting the
up-axis in my preferences to be Z-up in Maya. This is
no good! It means that sometimes when I open one of my
own files it's on it's side unexpectedly and I have to
go find the option and change it back. The tools should
never go around changing people's default preferences
because then it breaks all of their previous work--plus
their preferences should be their own and not subject
to change without warning. It's just not a good
solution. Please leave my up-axis alone!


  • Guillaume Laforte

    Logged In: YES

    Actually, the ColladaMaya importer is hi-jacking your
    up_axis ;) It doesn't change the default preference, just the
    current ones. That was a request by other people who wanted
    a more seamless import of Max's files.

    Since no one had told me this was a problem before, I just
    assumed no one minded. Now, I might had some "importer"
    preference panel, with some options: "change
    up_axis?", "change length value?"...

    I'll keep this issue up-to-date with the developments, which
    may start next week.

  • Guillaume Laforte

    • labels: --> Generic
    • milestone: --> 0.71
    • assigned_to: nobody --> glaforte
  • Guillaume Laforte

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Guillaume Laforte

    Logged In: YES

    As mentioned in my previous comment, I added an import
    option. Since Maya doesn't allow for different import and
    export options, you should modify it from within the list of the
    export options.

    This change will be in 0.75.


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