
#88 New RSS items are dropped in wrong feeds


I have about 300 feeds in 10 categories. They get
updated every four hours. When I check them, I often
see that some RSS items were dropped in the wrong feeds
! It occurs as if when feed A gets updated, it checks
the wrong URL and says "hey, these items are brand new
for me, let's add them !". The result is that I find
the items in the wrong feeds.

This is rather annoying.

Using version on W2K


  • Dare Obasanjo

    Dare Obasanjo - 2004-03-06

    Logged In: YES

    No one else has ever reported this problem and it seems quite
    unlikely that RSS Bandit would do this. Do you have any
    examples of feeds that return wrong items or could you
    provide us with your feed list either as OPML or in the RSS
    Bandit format so we can try and reproduce the error?

  • Sig

    Sig - 2004-03-08

    Logged In: YES

    caranage4life said :

    it seems quite unlikely that RSS Bandit would do this

    But it does ! And quite often I should say.

    I attached the XML Bandit formatted file to this bug.

    Here (in thsi file) is an example of an article that was
    dropped in the wrong feed. The feed is at but among the
    recently viewed stories in this feed, you can find that should not belong
    to this feed since it comes from instead.

    If ever it is useful, please note that I use Bandit on a
    laptop. Most of the time, it sits behind my company's
    firewall and HTTP proxies. But sometimes, my laptop wakes up
    at my home and has a direct (well, NAT routed precisely)
    access to the Internet. Bandit takes its proxy setup from
    MSIE which is said to look at a special config file on my
    company intranet (automated config script). It may be what
    makes my case "special" ? But with other RSS aggregators
    (feeddemon and the like), I never encountered this kind of

    Thanks for your help if you can fix it !

  • Sig

    Sig - 2004-03-08

    Logged In: YES

    I had to cut some parts of the XML file so that it fits
    SF.Net limits in terms of file size.

  • Sig

    Sig - 2004-03-08
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I've had the same thing happen to me today. 64 feeds in 5
    categories; roughly 300 feed items per day. Version
    on WinXPSP1.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I just installed the (beta) release and I am still
    seeing this problem. It does not seem to happen on a
    regular basis, but once or twice a week, I wll get numerous
    feed items showing up in a different feed.

    If I delete the feed and then re-establish the feed, it
    seems to work for a while.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I am still encountering this problem on my Win2K box. I do
    not see this issue on the version I have installed on a
    WinXP machine. However, Win2K seems to be a common link in
    this thread. Any chance you could test on a Win2K machine
    to replicate?

  • Thomas Freudenberg

    Logged In: YES

    This issue occured to me just a couple of days ago on my
    WinXP box. I'm using version

  • Craig Bosworth

    Craig Bosworth - 2004-09-28

    Logged In: YES

    I am seeing this also on on an Win 2000 laptop
    behind an HTTP proxy server and a corporate firewall.

    If I can figure out how to do it, I will upload an abridged
    feedlist.xml that illustrates the problem.

  • Achton

    Achton - 2004-10-01

    Logged In: YES

    I have this issue also with .117 and Win 2K.

  • Phil Haack

    Phil Haack - 2004-10-29

    Logged In: YES

    I was looking at which is
    an RSS 2.0 feed and suddenly I got an entry with the
    title "(...)"

    I closed RSS Bandit and looked at feedlist.xml and it had
    <story>104155402</story> within the recently viewed items
    for this feed.

    I looked in the cache and found the following XML snippet.

    <pubDate>Fri, 29 Oct 2004 03:25:37 GMT</pubDate>
    <guid isPermaLink="false">104155402</guid>
    <link rel="service.edit" type="" xmlns=""/>

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I just tried out the Wolverine Preview and this just
    happened to me within 10 minutes on several Amazon rss feeds.
    I reentered all my feeds/options manually so it isn't due to
    any leftover settings from the older versions.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I just tried out the Wolverine Preview and this just
    happened to me within 10 minutes on several Amazon rss
    I reentered all my feeds/options manually so it isn't due to
    any leftover settings from the older versions (which also had
    the same problem).
    I'm on WinXP SP2.

  • David Deutsch

    David Deutsch - 2004-12-29

    Logged In: YES

    FWIW, I see similar, if not the same, behavior. In my
    case, I will see a new item in multiple feeds, even though it
    only should be in one of them. I am not seeing all of the
    items from one feed popping up in another (i.e., RSS Bandit is
    not going to the wrong URL for a given feed as far as I can
    tell, it is just dropping the same item into multiple feeds
    though it does not belong there). I will look into the problem
    and submit a patch should I find a solution.

  • Torsten Rendelmann

    Logged In: YES

    Can you all please try this snapshot to verify if it still


  • Achton

    Achton - 2005-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    I still see this issue with

    I am having a hard time reproducing the error, though, so
    I'll keep using it until I find a more solid pattern.

  • Torsten Rendelmann

    Logged In: YES

    So to find the common things:
    0.) It is not Bandit version specific, so maybe it is a
    framework networking or XML processing issue.
    1.) do you used Bandit behind a proxy?
    2.) what kind of network you have (intranet, private DSL
    3.) Is there any "uncommon" software installed you ca think
    of (e.g. MS AntispyWare seems to cause also some
    4.) If possible to track down: what RSS feeds causing the
    errors (RSS 1.0 feeds, RSS2 .0 feeds or Atom feeds)?
    5.) What OS and SP are installed?
    6.) Is the OS running a special language other than english?

    It seems Dare could repro the issue at his work computer but
    think the used ISA (proxy) causing the problems...

    So please help to get that annoying bug fixed asap.
    Thanks to you all.

  • Achton

    Achton - 2005-03-07

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I've tested using (CVS) at home the past week
    or so, and this bug definitely does NOT occur from my home
    workstation. It only occurs at my workplace. I assume that
    nothing you changed from .23 to .24 can have caused this bug
    to disappear (since I've only tested at work with .23).

    So .. it does NOT occur with the following system:
    ADSL 2 MBit
    ZyXEL 650HW router
    Windows XP SP2 (US)
    Sygate Personal Firewall
    Avast! Antivirus Home Edition

    It DOES occur with the following system:
    2 Mbit corporate Internet access
    Cisco routing hardware
    Novell BorderManager (anonymous proxy)
    Windows 2000 SP4 (Danish)
    Symantec Antivirus Client

    How can I debug this problem further?

  • Achton

    Achton - 2005-03-15

    Logged In: YES

    Still seeing this with CVS (Beta 3) and the
    following configuration:

    2 Mbit corporate Internet access
    Cisco routing hardware
    Novell BorderManager (anonymous proxy)
    Windows 2000 SP4 (Danish)
    Symantec Antivirus Client

    Just FYI.

  • Mark Miller

    Mark Miller - 2005-06-15

    Logged In: YES

    This has also been a problem for me. I'm running on
    XPSP2. When it happens, it usually happens to several
    feeds at the same time (6 in the most recent case). And it's
    not simply trading contents between feeds, although at least
    some of them contain the contents of each other's feeds.

  • Dare Obasanjo

    Dare Obasanjo - 2005-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    Some of the issues that caused this problem have been fixed
    but a new variation of the problem has manifested itself. The
    new variation has other bugs already filed making this one


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