
#68 Problems with case-sensitive user names

Database (9)

bug report by user n0w0rries in the HELP forum:

I upgraded from 2.2 to 2.5.1. My existing users do not get a menu, nor do they have rights to anything. I created a new user, put them in the appropriate group--and they get a menu and everything works normally.

Well, if I create a user called test, it works. test2 works. I deleted and recreated one of my users--doesn't work. So I tried creating a different new user, using the first name instead of the last name--and it doesn't work.

I think I figured out the bug. The username is case sensitive.

Username = Test
Password = aaaaa

Login as test, and you login, but no menus.
Login as Test, and you get menus.

By no menus I mean no left menu, and no access (ie: you can't search for docs either)


  • A. Gasparini - LOGICALDOC

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Tested with the latest Contineo 2.5.1
    and the case-sensitivity problem is not present.

    Have you followed the upgrade path as detailed in the install guide document ??

  • A. Gasparini - LOGICALDOC

    • assigned_to: nobody --> blucecio
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Sebastian Stein

    Sebastian Stein - 2007-05-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I was also not able to confirm this bug.

  • Mi Enno

    Mi Enno - 2007-07-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    i had a similar problem. i used the admin user and as i wanted to change just the group description of the admin group i lost the left menu. i also looked in the mysql db but couldnt find any problem with the user. any suggestion? thanks for your help.

  • Mi Enno

    Mi Enno - 2007-07-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    i had a similar problem. i used the admin user and as i wanted to change just the group description of the admin group i lost the left menu. i also looked in the mysql db but couldnt find any problem with the user. any suggestion? thanks for your help.