
#320 Xena Viewer - Export should summarise errors and not stop

Export (13)

Currently when Exporting from the Xena Viewer if an error occurs then it is shown in a dialog (behind the progress bar window) and the user must click OK before the export process will continue. This is a problem if exporting large numbers of files as the process can stop and can require a lot of manual input. This is further exacerbated by the fact that if specifying a directory then the Xena Viewer will attempt to export all files in that directory even files that are not *.xena files. The non-xena files tend to result in the error "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.". It would be a large improvement to have a table showing all the errors like in Xena itself rather than stopping. It would also be useful to either only include *.xena files when specifying a directory or to have an option that defaults to only including such files.


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