
#243 Unable to create children folders


This bug was identified by Paul Jordan in a message to the xena-devel mailing list (

Files normalise nicely using xena. You can open the resulting files with the xena viewer and get what you expect.

However, if you try to export the resulting xena file to normal file, you get an error saying that you are "Unable to create children folders for file C:\documents and settings\<username>\Desktop\Normalised Documents\C:\documents and settings\Username>\Desktop\<filename>". See attached prettypicture for a visual representation.

I have a suspicion that it is complaining about the 'C:' embedded in the filename.

However, this does not happen on the workbench network - all works as expected there. I was able to successfully export a document.


  • John

    John - 2008-03-31
  • John

    John - 2008-03-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    On the workbench, files are wrapped using the NAA wrapper - the input file is encoded in the line
    <dc:source xmlns:dc="">file:/040088DI-064.JPG</dc:source>

    The files normalised using the version of Xena on sourceforge do not include the NAA wrapper. The input file name is encoded in the file as <input_source_uri>file:/C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5Cjohnl%5CDesktop%5C2008-03-28%2010-00-36%20Barcodes%20processed.csv</input_source_uri>

    Adding the NAA plugin to the latest build (thanks Chris) causes things to work as expected.

    Do we include the NAA plugin with the other plugins, or do we just replace the colon in the input_source_file uri with something which doesn't upset windows?

  • John

    John - 2008-04-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The newest build 4.1.0/20080401 now works. However, if you try to export files normalised with an earlier version, you still get the same problem (because the "c:\" is embedded in the xena file)

  • Justin Waddell

    Justin Waddell - 2008-04-03
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mcarden
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Michael Carden

    Michael Carden - 2008-05-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Okay, this is fixed. We have to accept that files created 'pre-fix' will have issues with export and will require manual intervention.

  • Michael Carden

    Michael Carden - 2008-05-01
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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